Scorpio Horoscope for February 2016

Posted on January 31, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month of an early spring thaw for you Scorpio. You are re-inventing yourself yet again amidst the cosmic torrents of these fractious times, as you develop and hone your focus on finding a way forward for yourself that is practical and yet does not compromise your internal values. You are headed into what is perhaps the peak moment of change for the year ahead, a time when you will be evaluating in a relatively optimistic way how far you have come over previous months and where to go from here. As a studied connoisseur of ultimate privacy, you have legitimate fears over compromising your own style and attitude, and yet you are also getting ready to admit the need for peer-to-peer communication and familial or tribal bonds to help you to perfect your own brand of safe space from which you can expand your activities outward.

As the month begins, you are strong in yourself and — within that sense of personal power — reaching out in new forms to others around you. The recent and quite potent Mercury Retrograde period was, for you, an intense and detailed self-study involving the nuances of how to connect with colleagues, partners and family or tribe, without giving up what is vitally and unmistakably your own way of being in the world. As you begin to emerge from introspection and prepare for more balanced action over the first two weeks of the current month, you are symbolically tapping into the power of Pluto in almost exact parallel with Saturn, the ruler of your sector of communication, and in square with Uranus, which rules your sector of home and family, and root psychology. Uranus is located in the sector representing your emerging sense of a service mission and of discipleship to your higher self. The issue of personal power arises, regarding that place within you that cannot be compromised. You can feel the confidence building within you to take a stand, in a careful manner, and to erase the barriers of doubt and inner wounding that prevent you from more complete connection with partners, family and peers.

It might be that in order to work your issues through more completely you will have to descend to the cave of your fears and wrestle with the dark unknown spaces inside you in order to win through to the treasure. There might be places within you, the result of early trauma, that have long been walled off, and that you benefit from a process of owning up to, acknowledging, and honoring. Regarding accepting our flaws, the famous Leonard Cohen line comes to mind, that "there is a crack in everything; that's how the light gets in." When you can admit to imperfection and remain unashamed, something miraculous happens, and this month might be the perfect time to take advantage of that magic.