Taurus Horoscope for February 2016

Posted on January 31, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You are entering into an important new phase, Taurus, and it involves the way that you see and relate to the world around you. Intuitive understanding and personal exploration takes precedence over book knowing and the overly simplistic logical paradigms of consensus thinking. In other words, you are leveraging novel realizations, springing from deep within you, to get a head start on a different manner of showing up in the world that is more consistent with the person that you truly are. This includes the dark and hidden places within you. You are making a move that eventually leads you toward a more established and solidly grounded set of beliefs that are nevertheless more completely your own. Partners are a powerful factor now; while providing their head of steam and fuel for their own perspective on the building revolutionary fire, they also aid you in your uniquely individual quest for greater wholeness.

As the month begins, you are seeing the fruit of several weeks of questioning. You have been asking yourself just what is your most fundamental set of beliefs, independent of other voices and of the conditioning of your past, and you are finding that the answers are becoming manifest within you. This set of realizations is still far from clear, like the outline of the structure inside one of those glass balls filled when shaken with whirling flakes of pretend snow, but the outline of what you are looking for is beginning to emerge. During the second half of the month, this spills over into professional choices that represent more closely your actual needs and desires.

This is a month of greater integration with the deep intuition that lies within you and that tells you true when you give it half a chance. Partnership is powerful for you now. While those with whom you are most closely connected are wildly passionate and independent, most of the time, they yet provide you with valuable support for what you are yourself attempting. This is nothing less than the transformation of all your beliefs and attitudes along lines that are more uniquely your own, taking your profound inner process more firmly into account.