Aquarius Horoscope for December 2015

Posted on December 1, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Your learning goes on apace, Aquarius, with life-direction at the heart of the issue. Idealized solutions appear and then disappear, and always you are just a bit closer to what you truly want. By paying attention to your basic values, as you can discern them, you are coming at the world in a new way. You are so good at going with the flow, that as you tumble through the plethora of revelations coming at you all the time these days, some are sticking. You could nearly be swept away by the vast tides of realizations, until you learn to surf their waves and slow down enough to absorb what the universe is trying to teach you "by hook or by crook." Understanding leads to right action, and this in turn leads to further goals, all stemming directly from your current advanced state of intuition.

As the month begins, you are focused on outer world considerations while also paying attention to interior matters, and to an unusual degree. This makes perfect metaphysical sense, since the one underlies and contributes largely to the other. We must either pay attention and try to bring to greater consciousness our innermost hidden drives, or else, when these show up in unexpected ways, be ruled by them from below in an unforeseen fashion. You are planning your assault on the world around you in new ways that are more consistent with what these inner voices are urging you toward. This is consistent with the recent New Moon in your career sector, and the highlighted presence of your co-ruler, Saturn, in your sector of societal involvement, in combination with numinous Neptune in your sector of resources and values. Significantly, these two were exactly square in the potent Full Moon a week before the beginning of December.

This month as well as last, your ruler Uranus is quite prominent as well, located in your sector of communicative outreach and learning, opposed by Mars at the time of the mid-December Sagittarius New Moon. This implies that as you reach out to colleagues and peers, you will be connecting to a new form of self-actualization based on recent shifts in perspectives, and in your basic values. This is a consequence as well of a greater recognition of all that you hold inside. Your relationship to your own unconscious process is the foundation of all your recent changes, in your unfolding developmental process of greater understanding of who you are and how this expanded presence can be actualized into real-world activity.