Pisces Horoscope for October 2015

Posted on September 30, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You are coming up on a very interesting and rather intense month, Pisces, in some ways a continuation of recent weeks. While remaining quite private and even introspective, you are very aware of outer world responsibilities and commitments, and are enjoying the associated accolades for your achievements in this area. With Mercury retrograding through your intimacy sector, you are also reconsidering many aspects of your relationship dynamic and, potentially, the internal wounding that may sometimes block your best efforts there. Meantime, partnership in your life is a vital and active force, catalyzing you in ways that you did not previously know were possible. As you delve into your own internal patterns and proclivities, your life direction is slowly altering, in recognition of your own deep process, and the urge within you to forge a better match with your most profound soul intention for this lifetime.

As the month begins, you are being stretched in several directions at once. With Saturn located in your career sector and highlighted there, you are well aware of your presence in the world of outer manifestation. This is an important thirty-year transit, to encounter Saturn thus at the very peak of your solar chart, and you are therefore in some sense finding yourself in your deeds and in the societal honors that you garner. This reflection of yourself ignores an important side of life that is not to be found in outer manifestation, but instead inhabits the private world of inner organization and integration that you hold inside, what seminal psychologist C. G. Jung called the Self; and the path to the Self he termed the process of Individuation. This process is very present for you now, as always, and is to be contrasted with outer forms as its equally real complement, to be discovered for yourself by means of meditation and of looking within. This is symbolized by your ruler, Neptune, located in your first or identity sector, which is also highlighted in the astrology of the current month. You might find that a succession of planets moving through your opposite sign and opposing Neptune provide a series of peak moments of a very different sort from that provided in symbolic resonance with Saturn, referring instead back to the invisible realms that exist deep within you and that you must close your physical eyes to see.

Partners are very involved for you in this process as well, as symbolized by the recent eclipse in your opposite sign and by Mercury, the ruler of your relationship sector, in retrograde motion through your sector of intimacy and personal evolution. The point of view of significant persons in your life is quite helpful to you now, and even as you question and revise your approach to this important area, you are learning much from the interaction. Through the pressure of events and relationship happenings, and the ministrations of cosmic forces, your value system is undergoing quite a shake-up, sudden at times, and this is true as well for aspects of your life direction and group participation, which is in long-term transformation. The fluctuations of this period of time, extending to the end of the year, are difficult to assimilate. There are, however, rich rewards that are also there for you, when you can summon up the courage to face your inner life squarely, and with ultimate faith in your process.