Scorpio Horoscope for October 2015

Posted on September 30, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is, in essence, another month of powerful change for you, Scorpio, to the extent that you are able to open to it. You are trying to piece together a novel agenda for yourself that takes your interior process more completely into account. Several sets of clues have likely pointed the way for this shift, in the weeks that followed the recent solar eclipse, and you may be excited to follow these to wherever they might lead you. You also might want to note that there are some astrological factors leading you onward, and others that, rather than progressive change, lead you into stasis. A bit of each side of these energies is very appropriate, as long as you can make the great conceptual leap of embracing paradox as a fundamental aspect of the human condition, including your own.

As the month begins, you are in a mode of slow-down, in alignment with the presence of Saturn, archetype of limitation, strongly configured in your sector of resources and values. This implies that you could to be in a time of financial restriction that nevertheless has its upside in terms of creative solutions, and also in reference to the process of deep reflection that you also find yourself in the midst of. This is indicated by the recent season of eclipse lunations, which bespeak the dark Sun behind the Sun that can emerge into greater consciousness once you have taken off the table your normative concept of business as usual.

Over the course of this active month, as your co-ruler, Mars, slowly begins to conjoin Jupiter in your sector of societal interaction, the pair will aspect all three outer planets, in turn, first numinous Neptune then, Pluto, and finally Uranus, which significantly is also a strong presence after mid-month, being powerfully highlighted in the configuration of the October 12th New Moon. There is thus a special mandate upon your sign in particular, now, to grow past previous high-water marks of integration, growth, and spiritual development. You are being actively encouraged by the universe to find within yourself your greatest goal, and to pursue it to the utmost of your powers as an evolving human.