Virgo Horoscope for October 2015

Posted on September 30, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You are riding the wave, Virgo, in the timing of this significant monthly cycle. With the recent Solar Eclipse in your sign, you have before you now an opportunity to remake your world and yourself also. There are internal places and difficulties that you will be required to contend with, because, like any birth, this one could be painful. Your new life is well worth the effort that it costs, as you find your way into greater self-acceptance. Old wounds of interpersonal connection could come to the surface, as you take a closer look at everything that you hold inside. Your current focus on home and family concerns, including your dwelling space, serves you well as you struggle, somewhat, to define yourself. You win by staying true to your evolving core values and defining characteristics, as you come to better know them.

As the month begins, you are very aware of the energy buzzing through your system in synchronicity with two recent eclipses from the previous month, that took place in key areas of your solar chart. You are caught up in a tidal wave of transformational energy, which also pulls you in, deep down inside yourself, to the unconscious dream process that underlies everything that you say and do. In one way you want to float above these deeper sensations and stay at the surface level of your life, where so much is already going on. But in another way you are drawn to this inner realm, and, especially in terms of interpersonal connection, to the wounded places within you where blocked energy is stored that can be released to your ultimate benefit. With Mercury retrograding through your resources sector you are mulling over issues of financial and emotional security, and you benefit by paying the closest possible attention to everything that happens to you now, accepting that the universe has a plan for you that will become revealed over the course of time.