Pisces Horoscope for August 2015

Posted on August 7, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

complex monthly cycle awaits you, Pisces, when your creativity and your ability to vision new possibilities for yourself are being further tested and seasoned. This is a time of introspection, generally, and of looking more closely into your relationship dynamic. This includes various aspects of the way that you connect with others, including your communicative outreach, partnership of all kinds, and the deeper bond formed through intimate contacts. Day-to-day events and your workplace environment are perceived to be in contrast with that which is beyond any tinge of the mundane world of your physical senses, yet equally fundamental. You are getting to the crux of sorting out the arc of your life direction, which is an evolving landscape for you recently. You succeed to the extent that you more clearly recognize that your inner world holds the key to your future well being.

As the month begins, you are riding out the waves of the complex energy of the recent Full Moon just one day prior to the beginning of the month, which took place in your sector of unconscious process, linked to the Sun across the zodiac in your sector of day-to-day mundane events, health regimens, and a service orientation. Dane Rudhyar referred to this area as your discipleship to your higher self. Venus retrograding through his same sector in square with Saturn implies an unusual concentration of focus in this area as well. You are feeling into a higher-minded mission to be of true service to the world around you while reexamining what you routinely do. The only way through may be to go below the surface layers of your personality by delving inside, attempting to better understand what is truly going on in these vast and hidden realms that you hold within yourself.

The recent mid-July New Moon took place in your sector of self-expression, with an emphasis on transformative Pluto, and this symbolism too implies that you will be questioning and redefining where it is that you see yourself heading, and the ultimate purpose that you bring to bear on your decision process as you head into a future that you can really live with. Pluto is located in your sector of societal connection, friendship, and group affiliation, and these areas of your life have increasingly been subject to introspection and self-study, together with the recognition of where you need to make important changes.

The restrictive presence of Saturn is strong in your solar chart as the month of August begins, being elevated, only a degree or two away from your Midheaven, and getting ready to station to direct motion in square with Venus and Jupiter. This lends focus and a sense of purpose, as well as obstacles to surmount, as you move ahead with articulating your mission statement. In a sense, you are slowing down in order to better understand, and to more fully absorb the lessons inherent in what you are about. Saturn will cross into your career sector by mid-September, and this will be a significant transition, when much of what you are attempting will bear fruit.

You might also reflect upon the reality of a lighter side to what you are currently going through, and — although you are being tested — there is at your disposal an enduring reservoir of faith in yourself and in the cosmos to support you. Expansive Jupiter, your co-ruler, in the final degrees of Leo and about to enter your partnership sector, symbolizes this inner joy that you can tap into. Jupiter is making for a terrific display right now with the close approach of retrograde Venus, and with Mercury, that can be viewed just after sunset during this first week of August. It is only by believing in yourself that you can go forward gracefully toward that to which you feel called, and it is only by aligning with your deepest values, at soul level, that you will be enabled to take the obstacles that you encounter in stride. It is comforting to realize that whenever you need that reassurance, it is there for you. You have only to sincerely ask.