Posted on August 7, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is an interesting and active month for you, Aquarius, representing a continuation of your process of transformation and integration that has been active with you all this year. You are combining the parts of your self that are visible with those that are unknown, hidden deep inside, perhaps becoming projected onto partners and close friends. You may have been making terrific progress, and yet still need that extra gesture on the part of the cosmos. When you are sincere in your inquiry, you might find that an almost magical intervention is possible, that will not only aid you on your quest, but point the way to finding the wisdom concealed within your journey. When you are in the right place with your inner presence, you find that doors open where you had formerly thought that there were none.
As the month begins, you are just one day past the potent July 31st Full Moon in your sign, which, combined with the ongoing retrograde of Venus, and stretching across the horizontal access of your solar chart, will likely bring up issues of self and other. This affects you quite strongly if you happen to be born near the end of January. Because the recent mid-July New Moon took place in your sixth solar sector of day-to-day events, your workplace environment, and service to others, you might be feeling that any important partner in your life, either in friendship or in romantic connection, is someone toward whom you would like to behave in a mode of service and utility, and who also has a role to play in your own evolving arc of development.
It is also quite significant that Saturn is stationing to direct motion, near the end of Scorpio, and thus in square with retrograde Venus in your sector of personal evolution, and ruling your sector of higher mind. Venus in backward motion now and through August is also, just at the beginning of the month, crossing into your relationship sector, conjunct Jupiter. These are intensely powerful times that you are living through, and this month is one that is chock full of partnership and life-purpose revelation when you simply take the trouble to pause and look for it.
Saturn is prominent now in your career sector, which indicates that your focus on career and public standing has been enormous lately, with resulting honors and responsibilities coming your way, as well as a sense of obstacles to be surmounted. You are more fully tuning in with your profound inner process that lets you know that your mission in this world is a vital one, as long as you can dig deep and move in the direction of your core purpose. To some extent this is all that truly matters about where you currently find yourself heading. In alignment with soul intention you are able to move ahead forcefully and productively but this does not happen when you are acting in response to consensus thinking and early conditioning. As Blake famously remarked, "Great things are done when [humans] and mountains meet; this is not done by jostling in the street."
There is a chime with this as well in the fact that all this month, you have your ruler, Uranus, in conjunction with the new planet, Eris, which can be characterized as a Feminine Warrior energy for soul intention. Since this conjunction takes place in your communications sector you will be especially good at speaking directly about any given matter in a way that corresponds to your own highest truth, without hiding your light. This is also the middle point of a year that has seen the seventh of seven exact instances of the Uranus-Pluto square, with its aftermath affecting things here below right through to the end of the decade. Late this year, in December, these two powerhouse planets come close to the perfection of their square once again, less than a degree away from exact, indicating that the passages of a transformative year continue, building to this time. With Pluto located in your twelfth solar sector of unconscious process, and highlighted in this monthly cycle, you are quite attuned to your own interior world, and by spending time in introspective contemplation, you will reap the benefits of greater self-knowledge and better integration of all your parts.