Posted on July 2, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is a very unusual and vitally interesting time for you, Virgo, when the accumulated changes of the past few months and even years are coming to a head, reaching for a new conclusion. You have been questioning many aspects of your outer world involvement, which you are also beginning to see as only one of several varieties of truth that are available to you. It is partly a question of values, and of which of the inner tugs of intuition you are ready to put your metaphorical money on. Partners are an important focus, truly life changing, and redolent also of emphasizing inner priorities. Although overtly professional fronts are claiming a great deal of your attention, you are yet acknowledging that much of your work at this time is on the inside.
As the month begins, you are in a very expansive place, especially with regard to the world of outer events and professional achievement, with Mercury, your ruler, placed in your career sector and closely aspecting both Jupiter and Uranus. You are in recovery mode, releasing the series of untoward happenings in synchronous chime with the recent retrograde of Mercury through this same sector of your solar chart, which affected you more than most because of its placement and the rulership relation between Mercury and your sign. You have been questioning your involvement with such reality-based activities as career moves. You are coming out the other side of that now, and even more dedicated to sudden shifts in point of view, intuitional flashes, and inner turmoil productive of new insights in this important area of life.
The Capricorn Full Moon that begins the current month triggers your ruler Mercury in aspect with trickster Uranus and the new planet, Eris, signaling a focus on getting in closer touch with your own deep soul intention. This definitely promotes a time and space for brilliant ideas to flourish, not specifically related to outer world productivity but also for getting in closer touch with what is going on within you. Both your eighth solar sector of deep inner exploration and also your twelfth sector of unconscious process are vitally stimulated during these rather intense times for you. Inside and outside are deeply interconnected; in this way your own inner world that you are getting in greater contact with over this present monthly cycle is simply another side of the very same coin.
This is also in symbolic chime with the highlighted presence of Neptune in this month's astrology, located quite prominently in your solar chart in your sector of relationship. Neptune symbolizes both a higher sense of cosmic process that is beyond the physical, and also the journey down to your own depths. You may be used to seeing Spirit as something outside of yourself and even now have a difficult time in seeing the fullness of your own part in not only connecting with this numinous basis for a more complete view of existence, but of actually being part of it. Even though you are very full of activity right now with regard to the world outside yourself, it is the universe on the inside that draws your most careful attention.
You have been on a personal quest for many months now, which has taken you down into your very depths and back out again as you have explored new facets of your creativity and untangled some knots in your production style, with more to come in this area. Heading into the second half of the month, the wild and productive times continue, all the more so the more that you can relax and allow the cosmos — and your own deep process — to have its say.