Posted on June 1, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This month presents you with conundrums, Aquarius, although nothing that you cannot handle. As an Air sign, you are used to relying on your mental agility, and yet with Mercury Retrograde nearly all month long, in the sector of your solar chart related to your creativity, logic flies out the window in favor of your interactions with the deep unknown center of your psyche, where paradox prevails. This is all happening in the context of a concerted effort to connect with social goals, both yours and others'. You are more interested than ever in saving the world, or at least your personal piece of it, working locally within a global perspective. You are giving up some of the rationality of your approach in search of the mystical and less well-understood, and do better the more you let go of any and all assumptions.
As the month begins, you are feeling very private and self-contained and yet, with prominent Saturn, well aware also of your impact on the surrounding collective. The recent New Moon from the middle of last month stirred you in your home and family sector, so that you have for the most part been indwelling within yourself and with regard to close family members also. You could find that there is tremendous value for you in promoting family connections and seeing the way that these familial contacts increase your outreach and your grounding in the physical world, and as well your understanding of yourself at the deeper layers of your personality.
You are challenged in this month's timing to become more whole within yourself by delving into what is going on for you beneath the surface layers of your personality. Rather than the light-filled heavens, that allow you feel more familiar and at home, in your pursuit of logical consequences and analytical understandings, this feels like a deep dark cave where monsters may lurk. Although profoundly scary, the rewards are great, once you force yourself to dive on down. You might just need to see what you can find down deep inside you, and by any means necessary. You could benefit by meditation or guided visualization, metaphorically taking that deep breath, attaching your diver's weights and holding your nose as you descend.
Partners also participate in your arc of evolutionary development that is taking place over the course of this month's journeying. It might be that their perspective helps you to see the way through to your own growing self-knowledge, or it might be that they trigger you in ways that only close connections can; and that these inadvertent circumstances reveal the places within you that you have been avoiding. What emerges from the shadows could be valuable for helping to discover parts of yourself that have too long been walled away from your more conscious acceptance and forgiveness. If hurt, or shame, has kept you from exploring certain parts of yourself, perhaps the residue of childhood trauma, this month is the perfect time to explore what is dark within you and bring to these places the light of your more conscious awareness.
Throughout this month, also, you are also exercising your creativity in a way that corresponds to larger goals. What you are after is nothing less than the revitalization of society itself through the fulfillment of your vision, which is however yours individually, not so much a part of mass awareness as your own way of seeing. You might be able to feel into the tipping point of social attitudes so that you become the conduit for allowing the values that you espouse to more broadly flourish. In this, however, you are acting through the medium of your own artistic creativity, and of your words and ideas. By communicating your genuineness to others, you bless it and send it on its way to do what it does. Fly, little bird, and be free. And yet you find that your truth comes back to you in the strangest and most mystical of ways.