Posted on May 2, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This month sees you through some rather different circumstances, Virgo, with developments that you can profit from internally. You are finding that partners in your life, current or potential, partake to an unusual extent of an almost fantasy sense of what is possible. You have an important component of spiritual sympathy with significant persons in your life right now, and you might also suffer from over-idealizing them. The limitations that you encounter in handling home and family concerns could be driving you to reconsider the work that you do in the outer world, as you attempt to redirect your achievement orientation into new forms. You see that your personality includes deeply internal elements, an unconscious presence that partakes of the cosmic unknowable, and is co-creator along with your more conscious persona. You win when you can allow this inner presence to guide your moves as though it were your ship's real pilot.
As the month begins, you are dwelling on the expansiveness of your inner world, in contrast to limitations that you seem to be encountering in the outer world of public achievement. You are inhabiting a mystical space recently, beyond the confines of your logical mind, as was symbolized by the close aspect made by your ruler, Mercury to numinous Neptune, located in your relationship sector, where it has been active for many months. You might be feeling a degree of confusion surrounding life direction generally, and, in particular, your partnership dynamic, as you head into a late spring that will provide more questions for you than answers. This is frustrating to the little mind that wants neat rows of ideas and concrete plans for advancement, although perhaps your more expansive unconscious psyche will feel right at home. It could even be that the nebulous thinking that is required of you now surpasses mere logic, and makes for a better match to nature and the actual ways of the world, where the final solution is often far from clear.
What arises in relationship to the ones you love most may be best approached with heartfelt curiosity, and faith that the best outcome can unfold naturally with ease. Your sensitivities are heightened, now, so it may benefit you to let your rational and analytical mind rest for a bit, allowing your other strengths and senses to guide you gently through the foggy passages to clearer views. If you've been looking at your interactions with others as a series of problems to be solved, perhaps it is time to rather connect with your heart, for only with empathy can you know the true path to deeper connection and intimacy.
Your ruling planet, Mercury, is opposite Saturn at the timing of the May 3rd Full Moon, indicating that you will be even more fully caught up with the limitations and restrictions of your home life, such as moving residence, or building a new dwelling place for yourself, either physically or psychologically. Perhaps it is time to set different boundAries for yourself in your work or home. By reestablishing and maintaining your own sense of spaciousness and freedom, you can return to a state of being at choice, rather than feeling as though life is forcing something upon you.
Your growth curve of learning new and more satisfying ways to express yourself continues at a steady pace, and may be amplified this month by sudden impulses to speak out, or even lash out if you happen to find yourself in any situations where you feel protective or defensive. Any bumps in the road that you run into along the way might be possible to sooth by taking a good look at your own inner workings, rather than anyone else's, and your habitual ways of being. Is there anything about others that you have continually been criticizing or rejecting' Perhaps they might apply to yourself. We all tend to be our own worst critic, and yet these inner voices can be disguised as reaction to another. These inner complexes therefore remain hidden and can become corrosive to your well being when not balanced by some healthy doses of self-love and positive affirmation. It might benefit you now to have a heart-to-heart with any pieces of yourself that you have been subtly or overtly wishing away. By gently welcoming all the parts of your soul to the table, you might be able to find greater peace, as well as a sturdier platform on which to stand when voicing and expressing the things that matter to you most.
Transformation is very much a part of your current month, the more so to the extent that you attempt to tune in to the more subtle aspects of your life and what is shaping up for you on the inside. Mercury begins its retrograde motion on May 18th, symbolizing a time of inward glancing, adjustment, and rest. If you are feeling stifled or confined by the ins and outs of work and home-life, this month is the perfect time to keep an eye out for areas where re-caLibration is needed and will eventually be welcomed as a relief to those parts of you that have long cried out for necessary adjustment.