Posted on March 1, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is an interesting monthly cycle for you, Aquarius. You are beset by the limitations of a protracted Saturn, stationary in your sector of societal connection, indicating that you are getting quite serious about a species of future planning that takes a wider dimension of life into account than the simple financials that are common in the surrounding culture. You are instead taking an illogical approach that brings the contrasting perspective of partners more fully into the picture, as well as what could take you far, a mystical sense of responsibility to the great unknown. Communicating your deepest truth to others turns into a learning experience, and salves the pain of lingering early childhood trauma. You are perhaps discovering that there is a vital common sense to the pursuit of inner work, because promoting peace within yourself becomes the ultimate practicality.
As the month begins, you are riding the energy of the recent New Moon from mid-February, which took place in the last degree of your sign. This gives you a lunar cycle that places you at its starting point, even though it is almost entirely a Piscean cycle as well, due to the position of the Sun immediately after the New Moon, and to the highlighted placement of Neptune in this month's astrology, being its ruler and also located in Pisces. This corresponds to your sector of resources and values, so that this important area of life is really up for you at this time.
Saturn is quite prominent in your solar map now as well. Restrictions and limitations apply to the way that you conceive your unfolding future self. You want to make doubly sure of your footing before you advance to the next rung. There is a sense of practicality and of what you cannot do, or even attempt doing, although optimistic Jupiter, the co-ruler of your resources sector, offsets this form of despair, being also quite prominent at the start of the month and in close aspect to Uranus, and to Pluto. Because Jupiter is currently located in your partnership sector, the symbolism indicates that you have the support of significant persons in your life, going forward.
Uranus, your chart ruler, remains in close square with Pluto for the entire month, making a last exact hit, out of seven over the past few years, in the middle of the month. You are therefore really and truly up against it when it comes to the transformational impact that prominent Pluto implies. Because Pluto is located in your twelfth solar sector of inner work, you are getting used to this important and hidden part of yourself, allowing your deep intuition its full sway, uninhibited by mere logic. You can always count on that voice from within you to tell you true provided that you can tune your ear to hear it. You are perhaps also closer to fully accepting that your interior process plays as significant a role as your overt surface intelligence when it comes to determining what you say and do, and that this part of yourself is accessible to the conscious reasoning part of your psyche.
The Solar Eclipse in late Pisces, coincident with the Spring Equinox of March 20th, brings to you a softer and more emotionally sensitive approach over the last ten days of the month. Meanwhile, Jupiter, co-ruler of Pisces and prominent in your opposite sign, represents the powerful impact of partners in helping you to work through these inner experiences and make them more concretely available to you. Fuzzy logic wins the day when doctored with a good dose of hardheaded practicality.