Posted on January 31, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is a powerful time of creativity for you, Libra, although yet also a somewhat difficult one as well, with optimistic assessments and introspective dialogues that lead you in circles. You will want to beware of acting too rashly. Even though you find that in any event you must act, the best course remains shrouded in mystery, so that you must feel your way. If this sounds complicated, well it certainly is, although not impossibly so. Artistic self-expression is the best opportunity for you now. You might regret that you cannot go as far as you would like to, although the upside is that you can at least contemplate some very far-out choices and add them to your list. Your idealism is to your ultimate advantage, once you learn to balance, and to wait for eventual breakthrough.
Your month begins with a sense of personal mission, as you tune in on where you think that your societal connection is headed and where you feel that you can plug yourself into the equation. This has already been a very powerful cycle, following the month of January, which was for you in many ways a graduate course on the series of personal transformations in which you were engaged during the run up to the current 2015 year. This month, and beginning in the week leading up to February, following the recent Aquarius Moon in your self-expression sector, you are feeling your way toward how your own individual contribution can help further the society that you would like to see beginning to emerge in this powerful year and decade.
As indicated by the recent New Moon, you are having quite a month for investing yourself in the collective placement that you feel is necessary to move not only society along but yourself also. This is an extremely powerful time for you when you are forging ahead with dreams and schemes that will have repercussions long-term, and when you are intent on discovering your true calling, and doing so in such a way that your efforts are aligned with where you yourself, personally, need to be heading for your own maturation as a human being. It's a two-fer of increased vitality and of implementing your deepest purpose vis-a-vie advancing according to your vision the social setting in which you find yourself, and the one feeds off the other.
There are a few cautions however. Because Mercury is also running backward now through this same sector your solar chart, in the midst of its retrograde period, you might run into some snags in actualizing the particulars of your agenda, and will as well be taking a second look at the way that you do nearly everything. Then, too, Saturn is activated now in your communications sector, in aspect to the New Moon and also to the beginning of your own sign. This has the effect of increasing your sincerity, and also of holding you back from the fullest expression of your abilities as you encounter limitations. The basic recommendation for such a potent Mercury Retrograde period is to move along any previously chosen course of action but to beware jumping the tracks with brand-new ideas until late in February or even into March.
Even though this month you are powerfully productive in many ways, you are as well somewhat dreamy and caught up in your own inner world of private fantasy. You are also likely in a very idealistic place with where you feel it is that you need to be heading with your life. As you meditate on what you are up to, it is also possible that you will have the to resolve some ancient issues that could be lurking within the depth of your unconscious process. These could stem from the residue of prior wounding, perhaps from childhood, that you have never actually finished with, but instead brushed under the rug, so to speak, and that may have by now gone unresolved for decades. The best time to make a start on healing these types of issues is always whenever you become aware of them, so that this month could represent a real opportunity to get a better handle on acknowledging these dark places within you, and thereby better accepting all the parts of yourself as you head into further cycles of transformation and change in the coming weeks.