Posted on January 1, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is an important month for you Aquarius, for what is hinted at in subtle ways and all that might be surmised, as you continue the development of your understanding of what lies hidden in the depths of your interior world. This is something of a mysterious cycle that you are in, following upon the recent Capricorn Solstice New Moon in your sector of unconscious process and inner work. Your dreams are likely quite vivid these nights and could conceivably provide clues to what is bubbling up from deep inside you. Your communicative outreach is also enhanced at this time, as is, paradoxically, a sense of introspection later in the month, during your birthday timing. You are therefore extending out to others and simultaneously reaching deep inside, in a form of emotional yoga that leaves you stretched and more fully integrated.
As the month begins, you are riding the wave from last month's very intense Capricorn Solstice New Moon that took place about ten days before the beginning of January in your sector of dream imagination and inner work. This set the symbolic stage for this month's intense lunation cycle, which brings you into closer touch with mysterious inner realms. You have already been dipping your mind into these dark places within you over the course of a tumultuous year of profound change, and this month's cycle takes you further in, far beyond the boundAries of your more normal and more linearly logical surface perspective. Because so much time has passed, and since the Moon has in the meantime traveled through the first quadrant of your solar chart, you are comfortable in your own skin right now, and consequently less involved with this inner world perspective, which has perhaps faded to a background theme. It will come roaring back over the next series of lunations, and continue to haunt you until you pay more careful attention to those parts of yourself below the surface layers that the cosmos is enjoining you to visit with greater awareness.
Your ruling planet, Uranus, has been traveling through your solar sector of intellect and communications for some time now, and this month is continuing his storied square aspect with Pluto, in your twelfth solar sector of hidden depths and unconscious process. Revelations and epiphanies of some magnitude are likely for you this month, as you are being granted a clearer vision of what's happening below the surface layers of your conscious mind. Throughout the month you may get a glimpse into your own blind spots quite suddenly, seeing yourself in new and unexpected ways. This could come as something of a shock to your system, so that taking ample time for integration and self-inquiry may be a help to you in your process of increasing awareness.
With Saturn, your co-ruler, entering further into your sector of societal involvement as the month gets underway, you are taking quite seriously the drive that you now feel to express yourself in new ways, and to plumb the depths of your soul for establishing your best understanding of your goals. It may be wise to engage in important decisions during the first part of the month, because Mercury will turn retrograde in your own sign on the 21st, and communications and thoughts will become more challenging after that.
The lens into the realm of your own hidden depths may be provided by the reflection you find in others, as is indicated by the amplified presence of Jupiter in your relationship sector. Without another to be in close connection with, it is difficult to see yourself clearly, so that it is through your closest relationships that you may come to know and accept yourself more deeply, now. There may be significant pain that comes up for you in this process, as often things that have become hidden are those which you'd rather not show or own, including feelings of shame or hurt from painful formative experiences of your youth. But take heart, as the gentle and expansive optimism of Jupiter is just the medicine for inviting skeletons out of the closet, and Mars in your first solar sector throughout most of the month is bestowing extra energy and drive to take on any challenges that arise. With willingness, strength and clarity of heart and mind, this year could begin in deep beauty for you, as you further integrate disowned parts of yourself, ultimately becoming more whole and happy as you do.