Virgo Horoscope for January 2015

Posted on January 1, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is the start of an exciting month, Virgo, launching another amazing year of transformational change. Your vision for what you believe that you need to accomplish is rapidly evolving in what seems like a whirlwind, and this includes your ideals regarding the way that you can incorporate the input of significant persons into your own arc of development. You have two powerful concentrations of energy and one involves delving into mystical inner places, with the inspiration of partners, where you discover hidden secrets governing the wellsprings of your more overt behavior. You might find yourself going at this study with a take-no-prisoners attitude of succeed or die in the attempt. The other energy center is very strong right now, and connected with full-on glorious self-expression that yet constantly transforms itself even as you attempt to focus your gaze upon its workings.

As the month begins, you are feeling the power of your own agenda, creativity magnified in unusual ways by your investigations of interior regions that keep turning up with more and varied items of interest. This has intensified since the recent and very powerful Capricorn Solstice New Moon of some ten days before the beginning of the New Year. It might seem as though these realms of behavior and intelligence deep within you are unconnected to outer world events and process, and only peripherally to your relationships with important partners, and yet there is an elusive internal connection that continually emerges for you, that defies normal standards of logical cause and effect. It seems that you are more than you appear to be in terms of surface understanding.

Your creativity is sizzling at this time, and partakes of the depth focus that is such an important part of what you are currently all about. Recent tensions have perhaps muted your enjoyment somewhat — although they have also deepened your understanding of where it is that you are actually heading. Your life mission is on the line for you now, and later in the month will be the subject of deeply philosophical studies as you think it through and then re-think it from another angle. The first half of the month, leading to the important turning point of the Last Quarter Moon of January 13th, is a time for intensity below the surface and for an ever-increasing fervor of depth work. After that, as your ruler Mercury slows down and retrogrades about a week later, the day after the January 20th New Moon, you will become more focused on expressing the practical side of these new-found realizations, in concepts of service to the surrounding collective, significant persons in your life, and yourself as well.

Issues of health and day-to-day habitual care-taking might come up for deep reflection during the retrograde period that lasts through the end of the month and on through to early March when you take the aftermath 'retrograde shadow' period into account.

This entire period is a time of idealism, illusion and potentially confusion as well. With Mercury in aspect to both transformative Pluto and numinous Neptune at the timing of the Capricorn Solstice New Moon, and with Jupiter highlighted in your twelfth solar sector of dream imagination and inner work, you have been, ever since that time, and on into these final ten days of the month, feeling the sensitive idealism and openhearted connectivity of the Neptunian and the Jupiterian archetypes. This colors your relationships all through this period. You are feeling otherworldly dimensions activated in you. Ordinary waking consciousness seems a little fuzzy and vague, and there is a noticeable lack of reliance on hard-and-fast logic; difficult to reconcile with ordinary day-to-day concerns. As you head into February and March for more of the same, you are learning the delicate art of balance.