Gemini Horoscope for January 2015

Posted on January 1, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a pivotal time for you, Gemini, in your fierce drive toward greater wholeness. This month you enter into a more mysterious segment of your already intense learning curve from the previous year. You are descending into your own depths, there to discover the darker side to your normally light-filled personality. As you do, you are going for an even greater degree of connection with important others. There is quite a lot that you can and will learn from partners, and by the exercise of your intuition and by your willingness to probe beneath the surface of your everyday awareness. A process of philosophical speculation drives this home even more profoundly as the month continues to unfold. Plans might go awry and yet still be on target for increasing your awareness of what it is that truly counts.

As the month begins, you are still feeling the energy from the powerful Capricorn New Moon that took place about ten days ago in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution. Partnership is a matter of particularly serious concern for you now, as well as a commitment, feeding into your own significant and ongoing transformation of values. As this lunar cycle continues, you are therefore more deeply connecting to important others, and to yourself. You have an awareness of your responsibility for finding your path forward in a way that is consistent with your deeper feelings and beliefs, and to spur you on, intuitive glimpses of what might in fact be possible were you to more fully realize all that you can be. Limitation constrains you, while overflowing positivity leads you on, in almost equal measures. As Frank Herbert famously wrote in Dune, during the opening doorway of the sixties, "fear is the mind-killer." Avoid that trap while honoring a sense of cautious optimism, and everything will eventually turn out fine.

It is also of interest to note that January is an essential time of networking with friends and group affiliations that you favor. The trickster energy represented by Uranus is highlighted all this month and next in your sector of societal involvement and progressive plans, while prominently occupying this same sector is the new planet past Pluto, Eris, signifying that you will be connecting with your own deep soul intention as you make your way forward. The Eris archetype, with her close trine with Jupiter still in effect as January begins, has been identified as a spiritual warrior for soul purpose. This placement is thus quite significant for you in the beginning weeks of this new month and year, as you struggle to articulate a new vision for yourself that includes a deeper awareness of what actually drives you, and where the true sweet spot for your future resides.

As a consequence of a very prominent Jupiter, solitary in one half of your solar chart, you are also strong on verbal contact with important others for this month of January. This applies to spoken and written communication, so that the entire month becomes a really opportune time for journaling as well as for connecting with peers. This changes somewhat in the last part of the month, after the 21st, when you become more reflectively internal as your ruler, Mercury, retrogrades, moving backward through the zodiac until stationing to direct motion on February 11th. Mercury's entire retrograde cycle lasts for the next five weeks or more, only straightening out after the end of February.

While your values and your basis for intimacy — gradually shifting over the course of these last few years — is transforming deeply within you, there are implications this month for your worldview as well, or how you see things. There you might also be able to detect a major shift, accelerating after the 21st of the month and the retrograde of Mercury.