Aries Horoscope for January 2015

Posted on January 1, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a firecracker of a month for you, Aries, involving both personal and professional growth. Your outer world presence is really taking off in this new year, and taking on added dimensions as well. Individualist though you may be, you find that going it entirely alone is not really an option for you if you are to make happen what you know deep inside to be the result to go for. Group activity of all kinds is also powerful for you now, in the context of your overall achievement orientation. In the final analysis, it is not accomplishment in the eyes of the world that you truly crave. Your triumph comes in small ways as well as large, and your relative success will depend to an extraordinary degree upon your soul intention, of which only you can estimate the true value.

As the month begins, you are still feeling the intensity of the powerful Capricorn Solstice New Moon that took place last December at the start of the holiday season, about ten days ago. This was especially potent for your sign in particular, because it aligned strongly with the angles of your solar chart, lighting up your sector of career and professional life. This means that the area of achievement in outer realms is very much on your mind as this month gets underway. At the time of the New Moon, your ruler Mars was placed in creative alignment with both ends of the Uranus-Pluto square that is coming to an important fruition over these first few months of the new year. The fact that Mars is emphasized as well in the chart for New Year's Day indicates that you are in for a major rebirth over the course of 2015.

You are feeling an extra boost of energy in terms of your social life, group efforts, or making a difference in society at large. It is likely that your major career shift that is underway will reference this area also. Your metamorphosis continues in dramatic fashion, affecting not only professional realms but also the primary relationships in your life. Those that you develop and foster during this month are of particular significance to your endeavors. Indeed you are finding new avenues of feeling at ease and excited about collaborating with important partners. While you walk down these new streets of togetherness and teamwork, you may come up against intense urges to want to go your own way, perhaps even being tempted to put out the vibe that it's 'your way or the highway.' Yet something that is even stronger may be pulling on you. Rather than going your own way when differences arise, you are learning to play gracefully with others. Inner tension could continue to be present, and yet the possibility of profound breakthrough beckons you onward, so that you may very well surprise yourself.

While this space in time seems to want to sizzle and glow for you, you may wish to front-load your month with any important decisions, collaborations or communicative efforts, because Mercury is turning to retrograde motion on the 21st, and this could have a challenging effect on group events or your communications in general. This last part of the month is not a good time to begin new projects. While the urge to move forward is always strong, it benefits you to make time for inward meditation and retrospective review of recent events, readjusting and recaLibrating your thinking as you go.

All month long, Jupiter is extra-amplified in your fifth solar sector of creativity and self-expression, in near perfect trine to the new planet, Eris, beyond Pluto. Eris represents a spiritual warrior energy, and you may find that your need to be creative and to express yourself is heightened now; indeed it may seem as though your sense of purpose and passion for living depend upon you doing so. The fire of your creativity blazes on. As it burns, a feedback loop is being formed so that your creations inform who you are, and who you are informs your creations. As you dance in motion with this energy moving through you into the world and reflected back into you, this generates greater awareness that you bring to your vision and your goals.