Venus Trine Neptune: Practical Magic

Posted on October 28, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This week is getting a start with an interesting configuration: Venus, which remains in close conjunction to the Sun in Scorpio, is hitting an exact trine with Neptune in Pisces, and fierce Mars, having just entered the grounded realms of Capricorn yesterday. is close to hitting the midpoint between them. On top of this, Mercury has re-emerged from his retrograde motion, and is again moving direct.
Venus in trine with Neptune speaks of idealism, romance, and connection. With both of these in water signs this aspect could have you and others around you overflowing with a sense of love... This is perhaps even paired with a sense of relief as with the Mercury Retrograde and recent New Moon Eclipse, there may have been coming up for you a certain degree of intensity and painful realization. Today could be a prime time to breathe in some easeful and joyous feelings, and allow this to nurture your sensibilities. The rest of this year will continue in the same Intense fashion as has recently been unfolding. In this regard it is important to note the Pluto-Uranus square which will be perfecting again before the year ends.
Considering Mars in the mix with Venus and Neptune - sextile to each at their midpoint - this dynamic could have an excitation effect beyond what could in any case lead you toward run-away trains of fantasy and over-idealistic tendencies in relating to others. Yet Mars in Capricorn also combines fiery drive with sensible groundedness and healthy boundaries so that you have a good shot at making practical magic that fosters healthy ways of relating.