Capricorn Horoscope for October 2014

Posted on October 1, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

The pull to your inner world continues, Capricorn. This month indeed represents a fresh start for you in matters connected to your career and professional life, but the most significant happenings could be taking place on the inside. You remain in a practical mode with many plans and activities connected to prestige and performance. There is yet a subtle nudge from the universe that questions the idea of going ahead with outer world achievement independently from taking a deep and prolonged look within. If you fail to heed its subtle summons, this voice becomes louder and its gestures more insistent, until you are no longer able to ignore the call. The period of the first half of the month might be the perfect cosmic storm that will jar you further out along the scary limb of discovering what lies within the vast interior realms of your own psyche.

As the month begins you are finding a renewed sense of purpose in terms of your outer achievement and public persona, in the wake of the Libra New Moon from the last full week of September, falling in your sector of career and profession. There is plenty of fresh energy available for outer world pursuits. Your thoughts and momentum are largely oriented in a forward moving manner, and building a stable, balanced future is likely to be a high priority for you right now. There could also be a theme coming up of receiving recognition or reward for your natural diplomacy and grace in working with others.

It seems as though just as your ship is running along so nicely, stormy skies are on the horizon. This particular cosmic weather comes in the form of Mercury turning retrograde on October 4th, in your sector of societal involvement, so that as this monthly cycle continues it finds you rethinking aspects of your vision for the future, based on a better appreciation of your own internal realms that are perhaps barely understood consciously, and are only now making themselves known to you. Adjustment and recaLibration are necessary, before you can move forward in the manner that is in alignment with your sense of integrity. Yet you do have the option to channel the fresh energy you found in the New Moon time into this troublesome astrological period, lasting into the first week of November when you take the period of the retrograde shadow into account.

At first glance, it may seem that external circumstances are to blame for the necessity for course corrections, and therefore are what need to be changed; in the end you may find these circumstance are merely a reflection of an inner complex that is begging for your attention. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also currently highlighted in your solar chart. This astrological factor, and the retrograde period of Mercury as well, are indicating that it might be time to press the pause button on outer achievement and reflect inwardly on your own approaches and perspectives, and how deeply your mentality and attitude is tied to and effects your external reality. As you strive for stability and balance, you could find that you are also more keenly aware of your place within the whole of your community and society. This month could well provide opportunity to gain expanded awareness about who you are and who you want to become, to be more authentically connected to others and to life itself.

With Uranus residing in your home and family sector, quite definitely emphasized over the course of this month, you could also be experiencing a certain degree of restlessness, aggravation or irritation, deep inside. You may not be able to easily identify exactly what is nagging at you. Your intuition will likely serve you well at this time in this department, and over-thinking or systematizing your own experience of it all is probably best left alone. You benefit when you can channel any difficult emotions in a constructive manner, and maintain a humble disposition, remembering that you are a student of life, as we all are. You are being offered a glimpse into your own soul that, while uncomfortable to be with at first glance, could be a necessary and crucial piece of the puzzle, as you come a step closer to a more whole and authentic version of yourself.