Capricorn Horoscope for September 2014

Posted on August 31, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You are coming into yet another interesting month, Capricorn. This is a deeply philosophical oriented time for you, with exciting opportunities that lead you off in some very interesting directions. You are financially fortunate and socially energized, while busily moving your agenda forward. You are a bit dreamy, and might be involved in travel or educational pursuits, either teaching or studying. It is yet a surprisingly internal set of goals that you are truly after. When you communicate you have the mystical side of your life as primary, with a focus on inner process. This is an excellent time to be getting ahead in the outer world, although not in a vacuum; your deep intuition plays an important part now. New perspectives are emerging, founded on depth researches that you are still undertaking, and based upon your ongoing profound metamorphosis in your very identity.

As the month begins, you might be aware that this lunar cycle could present you with some real opportunities to really push your edges and explore new territory. With the recent Virgo New Moon, from the start of the last full week of August, falling in your higher mind sector, you will likely be focusing on expanding your horizons. This could show up in a number of different ways — through travel, educational experiences, trying new things, meeting new people, or immersing yourself in new perspectives and unexpected ways of thinking. In expanding your experience of life, you could find yourself daydreaming and fantasizing about your spiritual ideals, that are evolving, and for other such lofty aspirations. There is the distinct possibility as well for confusion, illusion, or perhaps even disappointment to settle in, perhaps you are reflecting on past events or on how and where current situations do not match up to your ideals.

With Mercury almost exactly opposite Chiron at the time of the New Moon, you might also be more keenly aware of any pain you feel internally that wants to rise to the surface layers in order to be expressed. If so, there is now an opportunity to see such painful places inside you through a new and more spiritually evolved lens. Reframing prior events in this way has the potential to heal, and to allow your energy to be freed up as you move forward. One key aspect to this is in connecting deeply with others in intimate contexts. You may find many pearls of wisdom and a deeper knowing of yourself as you reflect and connect with another, and visit places within your own heart and mind you never could have found alone.

In terms of outer achievement and your position in community or society, you have a tremendous drive to achieve and perform, and for making a new set of goals work for you, as indicated by Saturn (your ruler) in conjunction with Mars at the time of the recent New Moon. If you are already on a roll with structure you've implemented for yourself to support these endeavors, you will likely kick it into overdrive. Your capacity to focus and follow through right now is unwavering.

With Uranus at the New Moon time aspecting Saturn, Mars, Venus, and Mercury, your intuition plays a big role in this monthly cycle as well. As you explore your inner world, you could be surprised by what you find along the way, and by how you get there. Allowing your intuition to guide you, listening to small hints and signals from inner and outer events, you could discover amazing things that you would not have come across following only logic and reason.