Posted on August 1, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is another amazing month for you Capricorn, one in which you are ratcheting up to the next notch in your progress. You are continuing to explore the very depths of your being, and utilizing the information gained to move to a new take on forward-going plans that while remaining your unique vision, also takes into account other points of view. You are coming around to the position that, by including the perspective of others, you are enhancing rather than reducing your own. You are caught somewhere between the concrete arrangements you are used to, and the unexpected beautiful illusion that lures you onward toward a more integrated future vision. Neither end of this conundrum needs to be discarded, as long as you can accept the difficult route of compromise while learning to live with paradox.
As the month begins, you are still reveling in the powerfully optimistic New Moon from the final weekend of July. This signaled a month of breakthrough on several fronts; for one thing, as part of the ongoing transformation that you find yourself in the midst of, you are becoming more aware of your inner depths. Making a symbolic chime with this, the energy within you for intimate connection has also been very strong over the past few days, and could be leading you down new pathways of partnership connection; while staying connected to outer responsibilities, your best way forward would seem to involve tuning in to what is going on with you deep inside.
The impulse to connect up with another person in either personal, romantic or pragmatic teamwork can be an interesting test of how strong you feel in yourself and how available you are to experiment with a more blended set of concepts than you can find with strictly your own viewpoint to consider. You are currently very invested also in finding your own way forward, independent of other voices, even as you allow in the stimulus and encouragement of significant persons in your life.
There is unsteadiness at the very core of your being, as represented by trickster Uranus, that has been in close aspect to Saturn, your ruler, and that keeps you off-balance. This could have been building over the entire previous month. The advantage of instability is that you are no longer stuck, and are therefore to move into different psychological directions that you have been able to in the past. This potentially affects relationships with family and significant others, as well as your own sense of security. You are also this month feeling the active presence of Mars in your sector of societal connection and future plans, spurring you on to make some sort of move in the direction of what you have been building toward all this year.
Throughout the month you are also feeling the mystical communication and unusual learning curve implied by a prominent Neptune opposite your sector of higher mind. There could be illusions or the deception of overly idealized thought process to contend with. There is also information flooding your awareness that gives clues to intuitive levels beyond the merely logical. It is a tricky matter to discern the false from the true, and to remain as open as you can to your inner world while staying with your more grounded sense of self. This road has its pitfalls and uncertainties, although it is well worth the effort in terms of soul growth.