Natal Report for Dane Rudhyar
Mar 23, 1895, 12:42 am LMT
Paris, FR (49N00, 2E30)



Chart Patterns
Important Features
Angular Planets
Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Features
Other Natal Planets
Other Aspects

Chart Patterns

Yod, focal planet Saturn

You have a Yod planetary aspect pattern in your chart, also known as the 'finger of God'. This pattern consists of two different planets forming Inconjunct aspects of 150` to a third, or focal, point. Usually there will be a marked emphasis on the area of life represented by this focal point, which may be one planet, or two or more in conjunction. You may have physical or psychological problems associated with the expression of the energies of the focal planet or planets, creating a subtle form of tension in your life. Your lesson is to transform the expression of these energies along more positive lines.

Saturn in the Eleventh House (or sign) gives a socially adept and responsible individual, with a deepening and concentration, or a blockage, with regard to participation in groups and around causes. You are careful, conscientious and humane. You are gentle and strong, apt to be fairminded and can appear at times impersonal, or cold and unloving. Group participation is quite important to you, and you place so much emphasis on it that you may have difficulties in feeling as though you belong to a particular group, or you may draw back from friendships from a fear of not being accepted. You have good powers of concentration, and place much importance on the betterment of society through constructive communal activity. You may be devoted to a spiritual discipline. Your lesson is to transform your narrow view of social acceptance on a personal level into a broader vision, in which you can meaningfully participate, of a more sharing society, one beyond the present level of a divided humanity.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

Saturn in Scorpio (or the eighth house) gives a strong personality with intense emotions. There can be a deepening and concentration, or a blockage, of your feeling nature so that many and complex emotions are generated. You are shrewd, apt to be secretive, and may have something of a powercomplex. You can be prone to jealousy. You are likely to have fears surrounding the issue of emotional closeness and sexuality, and being able to give of yourself, so that you may suffer greatly through thwarted desire. You fear the blending of your life with another, yet paradoxically that sense of merged realities is quite important to you, even longed for. Your reactions to events may seem to be almost automatically determined at a deep subconscious level, so that you are actually unfamiliar with your true motivation. You may become a student of the occult, as a means to explore the dark realms with your psyche. Your lesson is to learn to master and bring to consciousness the hidden drives within you, transforming this energy into healing power, both for yourself and for others around you as well.

Important Features

Jupiter in Gemini (27° Gem 47') Jupiter in the Seventh House Ruler of rising sign

Jupiter in the Seventh House (or sign) gives you a refined and idealistic nature. You are easily influenced by others, and may have great difficulty in making a decision, especially when you start to take into consideration all of the possibilities that suggest themselves to you. You work well with other people, and are known for your fairness. You will always champion both sides of a dispute and make sure that the underdog has his say. You are thoughtful and diplomatic and make a good lawyer. You are also likely to be very social and attractive to others. Other people matter to you in an extraordinary way, which can be both a blessing and a curse. You are a great lover of art and beauty wherever you find it, but you may tend to scatter your focus, and could benefit from more firmly concentrating your energies to serve your own inner motivation.

Jupiter in Gemini (or the third house) gives you a charming, talkative, and clever personality. You also tend to be somewhat scattered, with interest in just about anything. You are fond of travel, intellectually enthusiastic and make a good teacher. You are optimistic and changeable. Since you see the value of many different pursuits, it may be difficult for you to narrow down, and you may in fact lose opportunities through lack of an ability to focus. You may speak too quickly, before you have thought a matter through, and benefit from learning to hold off and keep your own council. You should beware of a tendency to superficiality or self-centeredness.

Sun in Aries (2° Ari 08' 15") Sun in the Third House Angular planet - conjunct Nadir

The Sun represents your will and purpose, your sense of vitality and your evolving higher Self. In the sign Aries it is Cardinal-Fire, and rules the head. Your ruling planet is Mars. Aries people tend to be energetic, forceful and outgoing. You are good at getting things done, although you prefer starting to finishing. Like the energy of the first rush of spring, you move into the world in a headstrong, pioneering way. You are likely to rush into things before reflecting, and may also be impatient or unwilling to sit back and allow events to mature. You have great vitality and a tremendous need to be physically active. You have a strong will, and are self-centered about pursuing it, so that you may try to dominate other people until you learn to be more subtle about getting your way. You also have an acute need for love and affection. You benefit from self-discipline, so that you can channel your abundant energy more constructively.

The Sun in the Third House represents a concentration of the vital force of developing one's intellect and communicating one's ideas with others. You are keenly observant. You are constantly curious and have a need to learn new ideas and exchange your ideas with those who can stimulate you. You may well be a good speaker or writer. Your observation skills may give you the ability to understand communicate scientific ideas. You may also desire to be seen for your knowledge. Striving to add to your storehouse of information enlivens you. You are on a journey that is about discovering everything you can about the world and then communicating your knowledge with everyone around you. You need to be intellectually stimulated and challenged in order to demonstrate your natural talents, start to develop a big-picture viewpoint, and share your unique discoveries with others.

Neptune in Gemini (13° Gem 14') Neptune in the Seventh House Angular planet - conjunct Descendant

Neptune in the Seventh House (or sign) gives a charming, generous and idealistic personality. You are apt to have an intense love of beauty and the arts, especially music and painting. You are imaginative and visionary. You may feel a sense of obligation to other people and can give a great deal without expecting anything in return. You dream of finding the perfect partner, but you may encounter difficulties in making that dream a reality. There can be emotional confusion, leading you to depend too much on the strength of another person. You may unconsciously seek a partner with dependency issues, like drug or alcohol or fantasy addiction, as a mirror for your own inner lack of clarity. You also may seek in your partner a sense of rising above the merely mundane, which can be very appealing to you. There are likely to be karmic lessons for you in regard to partnership and marriage. Making an effort to pull back from too much self-sacrifice can bring greater clarity to relationships, which can be of benefit to all concerned.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

Neptune in Gemini (or the third house) gives a clever personality with subtle charm. You are witty and poetic. You are fond of higher education, but you tend to be a dreamer and may miss out on serious study because of it. You see the world through the mystical third eye, rather than the usual binocular setup that allows most people to get along. Because of your extraordinary visionary viewpoint you may see more than others and also miss out on some of the mundane details. You may suffer some confusion regarding communication received, or perhaps where close relatives are concerned, or have feelings of insecurity stemming from your early years, that carries over into adult life. You can be indecisive and worrisome but you are also broad-minded and mentally creative. It benefits you to learn to focus your considerable creative potential, and to let yourself become a channel for higher forms of thought to flow into your own life, and through you into the world around you.

Chiron in Libra (6° Lib 13'R) Chiron in the Ninth House Angular planet - conjunct Midheaven

Chiron in the Ninth House (or sign) represents issues with one's vital force of abstracting and understanding universal truth. This placement can lead to high achievement in the scholastic arena, but it may be nagging doubts that you are not really good enough that spur you on, rather than a pure love of learning. There is likely to be some form of painful realization surrounding the pursuit of wisdom, or perhaps in the area of philosophy or religion. It may be that parental figures had different notions of what makes the world make sense than you did, but for one reason or another you didn't take them on. Perhaps you were too young at the time for such a challenge, and now in your adult life you feel the pull of the beat of a distant drummer, but feel ambivalent or not sure enough of yourself to really do anything about it. In your frustration you may even seek to help other people to work out their own concepts of higher knowledge, while you yourself remain stuck in the mud of prior patterns. If so, it is time to shake off the shackles of the past and get on with your individual sense of your own philosophical values and visions. Perhaps by delving into what associations you have with bad models from early childhood, you can begin to more fully and completely inhabit the natural vision that belongs to your higher self. Then you can truly shine in the world of ideas, as you move out from your own center rather than the point of balance represented by other, more alien, philosophies.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

Chiron in Libra (or the Seventh House) represents issues with one's vital force to relate with others intimately. With this placement, you have both a tremendous desire to connect with other people, as well as frustrations that have arisen in this area. Your attempts to connect may have been frustrated through experiences of early childhood, when you wanted contact with others but were rejected or somehow prevented from establishing meaningful relationships with them. As a consequence you have been focused on establishing such a connection ever since. It becomes extremely important to establish a connection with another person, yet this contact, so desired and even longed for, can also be extremely painful. Any partial rejection can be seen as a revisiting of your earlier pain surrounding issues of relationship to other people. As time goes on, there may even be some element of self-sabotage involved in your relationship experience. You may also become compulsively attached to the idea of close personal involvement, seeing yourself as more of a part of a desired union than as an isolated ego, "on your own". Yet your very wholeness does also depend on being able to stand independently, so that there an element of dysfunction in the way you deal with interpersonal relationships. Your path to healing these issues may be to become more fully conscious of the earlier wounding that you have experienced, enabling you to finally move through that pain toward a less fear-based way of relating, without the self-undoing or the extreme sensitivity that may have been unconsciously present. You may also find that you are able to take the conscious knowledge you have gained through this process further by helping other people deal with these same issues, either through work in the helping professions, or just with friends and loved ones in the course of your daily life. As you grow more sure of yourself, this area of interpersonal relationships, while still very important to you, can become a great source of strength for yourself and for others as well.

Angular Planets

Mars in Gemini (12° Gem 08') Mars in the Seventh House Angular planet - conjunct Descendant

Mars in the Seventh House (or sign) gives a sensitive, and emotionally impressionable nature with an inclination to get very involved with other people. You are likely to have great charm and poise, and an ongoing attraction to love and romance. You can be a persuasive talker, and enjoy getting your own way, although you also are truly committed to making sure all parties in a dispute receive just and fair treatment, and will go out of your way to make sure that they get it. You are potentially a rash and ardent lover, and you may marry early. You are likely to seek an active partner, one who will match your own fiery independence that is a part of your basic nature you may not always show. You might need to work through quarreling with others as a way of standing up to being overly influenced by them, and benefit from exploring a greater degree of self-reliance. You also may be attracted to the idea of partnerships generally, as a way of life. You profit from cultivating moderation and objectivity in your dealings with others.

Mars in Gemini (or the third house) gives an alert, witty and energetic nature, possibly inclined toward sarcasm. You are adventurous and physically active, although potentially inclined to be nervous and "high-strung." You are glib and communicate very well with others, although you may be a better talker than listener. If you have any weaknesses in this area, it is in being somewhat sharp with friends and relatives, or possibly indulging in gossip. You have a natural mechanical ability and do many things well. The outpouring of your energy is strongly centered on siblings, friends and associates, possibly stemming from early educational experiences, and in communicating your truth to others around you, perhaps by means of writing. You benefit by practicing kindness in speech, and by learning to focus and concentrate your considerable energies.

Pluto in Gemini (9° Gem 56') Pluto in the Sixth House Angular planet - conjunct Descendant

Pluto in the Sixth House (or sign) gives you an intense desire to be of service in the world. This desire can take the form of a compulsion to help others in a way that may not truly be appreciated by the intended beneficiaries. You are slightly obsessed with finding the purity inherent in human activity, and may well be a champion of the environmental movement, or exert yourself strenuously in your job or home setting. You may also become intensely concerned and perhaps even chronically worried over health issues, or you may be apt to stress over organizational detail where the intention is to purify the function of the particular activity, but where attending to the details can become an end in itself. You may go through many profound changes of attitude in these areas, in order to learn how to be of actual service to yourself and others. Creative outlets for your passion might be found in the helping professions, or in working on your own issues in such a way as to regenerate your values and life direction. When you have transformed in these areas you can become a beacon for others to follow. By staying true to your own inner guidance system, you make it possible for others to also, and further the cause of a more self-aware and wisely functioning planetary society.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

Pluto in Gemini (or the third house) gives an acute and penetrating mind. With this placement you have unusually clear and direct communication skills, and you may also be compulsively attached to your speaking and writing ability and to mental pursuits in general. You possess a remarkable facility for seeing into the depths of the circumstances surrounding an event or a communication from another person, and would make a good detective. You also are likely to have a sharp tongue, and can powerfully affect others through your speech. Peer relationships when you were young may have been difficult, affecting current attitudes, so that you may feel that you have to be on guard, or manipulate situations in self-defense. You also enjoy expressing your point of view, and are apt to feel strongly about being correct in what you say, in spite of what others may think. You benefit when you avoid a tendency to be dogmatic or manipulative in your dealings with others. When you have made some movement toward finding a positive expression for your mental energies, you can be a source of inspiration as you use your powers of insight and expression wisely and responsibly, and share your mental gifts for the betterment of society.

Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Features

Sun in semi-sextile (within 2.3 degrees) with Mercury

The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information. This aspect gives a person who values mental pursuits. Your logical and communicative abilities are excellent. You are quick-witted and glib, and can also be somewhat nervous and high-strung. Since Mercury is at its furthest distance from the Sun, if at an earlier Zodiacal degree than the Sun, you may be conservative in your outlook, tending to "look back" to the past for your intellectual inspiration. Whereas when Mercury is at a later degree in the Zodiac than the Sun, you tend to "look forward" and be ahead of your time, intellectually.

Sun in quintile (within 2.0 degrees) with Mars Ruler of sun sign - sun's ruler

The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension. This aspect gives a self-confident, active, and decisive personality. You have great physical vitality and stamina, are out-going and like to exercise your mental and physical powers. You are usually happiest when engaged in some form of activity. Right and constructive action seems to come naturally to you. You are likely to be outspoken, and possess great abilities in combat as well as athletics.

Sun in square (within 4.4 degrees) with Jupiter Ruler of rising sign

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect gives an optimistic and high spirited individual. You are likely to be fortunate in your material surroundings. You are convivial and lively, and generous with your money and your affections. There may be a tendency to overdo things, or to expand the waistline. You are attracted to higher learning, and the fine arts, and are courageous and loyal, but you can be extravagant and suffer from errors in judgment. You should also beware of too much egotism.

Sun in inconjunct (within 4.1 degrees) with Saturn

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed. This aspect gives a deepening and concentration of your self-expression. You can be strong-willed and determined, or cautious and reserved. There may be a sense of lack of love, and a subconscious desire for recognition. The lesson for you is to deepen and broaden the knowledge of who you really are at the level of your innermost soul, and to really learn to love the person that you find in this process.

Sun in sesquiquadrate (within 2.5 degrees) with Uranus

The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; control is required. This aspect gives an eccentric and strong-willed individual. You tend to want to get your own way, and you love freedom from conventionality. You are inclined to be reckless, and may periodically start over in your life, completely eliminating previous foundations. You are an original and independent thinker with an active, scientific mind, futuristic in outlook, and so are capable of bringing new ideas into being. You are somewhat inclined to nervousness and impatience, and tend to shy away from commitment and responsibility. You can benefit from striving to control your energetic and visionary impulses in order to make these more concretely available in your own life, and in the life of society around you.

Sun in quintile (within 0.9 degrees) with Neptune

The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension. This aspect gives a sensitive and creative individual. You are somewhat unworldly, and are likely to be artistic or musical. You may also be open to mysticism or the exploration of other dimensions through psychic perceptions. You are softhearted, and you may be perhaps even too willing to sacrifice yourself for the good of others. You may find your life's calling in the helping professions, for your compassion is strong. Your aim is to achieve a balance between spiritual dimensions of reality and ordinary life.

Sun in opposition (within 4.1 degrees) with Chiron

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. With this aspect between Sun and Chiron you are likely to experience painful realizations throughout your own life and also have the ability to heal others as well. Chiron is called "the wounded healer" because it represents the archetype of imperfection and loss which when integrated leads to compassion and understanding of others' suffering. The empathy and the understanding that are gained through life's trials provide the ability to serve as a helper and a healer for others. You are more invested in this archetype than most, since it is in a powerful connection with your Sun, representing your conscious self. You have undoubtedly experienced pain and frustration related to your self-concept, perhaps through your relationship with your father or the same-sex parent. There could have been trauma in your early years concerning your parenting or the parental protection that may have been withdrawn too suddenly or misapplied. You may have suffered actual abuse in childhood or perhaps in later years such as in the period of adolescence, when you needed to make the transition to your own adulthood and may have been prevented from fully emerging into a more responsible and complete state due to external circumstances or your own lack or self-confidence. Since you have come through the fires of difficulty you are likely to be someone with career possibilities in the helping professions. It is often easier to face others' troubles than one's own, and you may even be more ready and available to help others than to help yourself. It is good to integrate your past experiences, no matter how painful they may have been, and no matter how painful these feelings continue to be for you in adult life. Then you will be in a position to truly sympathize with others' suffering and help them to work out their traumas as well.

Moon in Aquarius (24° Aqu 36' 46") Moon in the Second House

The Moon in Aquarius gives a socially minded and progressive personality. You are charming and gracious. You can also be somewhat unstable or erratic in your behavior. You are consistently kind to other people, but you may come across as somewhat cold and distant, because you have a mental rather than an emotional nature. You desire to be an active force for good in the world, and are likely to achieve that lofty aim. You have great originality in your thoughts. You could benefit from spending more time with your emotions.

The Moon in the Second House represents being emotionally connected with one's values, with one's possessions, or the material things in this world. You may feel that your self-worth is connected with the physical manifestation of material wealth or material comfort. Your values are very important to you. You may feel compelled toward gaining material wealth or possessions when your emotional life is unfulfilling. You can also be quite generous. Your finances may fluctuate throughout your lifetime as you move through various emotional growth phases. When you follow your gut feelings you are likely to be successful financially. You excel in occupations which deal with meeting the wants and needs of other people. You feel most comfortable and secure when your values and emotions are clearly defined and you can act upon them.

Moon in strong trine (within 3.2 degrees) with Jupiter Ruler of rising sign

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect gives an idealistic and humanitarian personality, friendly and sociable, with an inherent spirituality. You are loving and caring and are also strong in character, with a keen sense of right and wrong. You are fortunate in finances, and attract material rewards without seeming to try for them. You are honorable and dependable in your dealings with your fellow man, and work well with the public. There may be an inclination toward the mystical side of life.

Moon in sextile (within 4.2 degrees) with Venus

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections. This aspect gives a calm and steady emotional nature, with a refined and artistic sensibility. You are habitually cheerful and are likely to be happiest in your home and family. You possess a great deal of personal charm, and also have a love for the arts, especially music and dance. You are courteous and popular, and supportive to your friends. It is important for you that your home environment be aesthetically pleasing.

Moon in square (within 5.0 degrees) with Uranus

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect gives eccentric personality with volatile emotions, and a strong sense of intuition. You are likely to have changeable emotions, and may appear unpredictable at times to others around you. Novelty excites you; you may change your residence frequently, or be tempted into starting a new career. You also may feel insecure at times, possibly stemming from a disrupted home life in your early years, or from parents who were quite busy with their own affairs. Your early home life may also have been very stimulating and challenging. You are likely to go through fundamental transformations of identity in your life, and you are stifled if these impulses are not allowed expression. You are so individualistic you may have difficulties in settling down with a steady partner. You can benefit from learning to balance your needs for security with your urge for freedom and experimentation.

Moon in quintile (within 1.1 degrees) with Ascendant

The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension. This aspect between the Moon and Ascendant gives a nurturing and protective personality. You are subtle in your actions, rather than direct, and are likely to reflect the moods of those around you. Security and your home is important to you. You have a habit of moodiness, with your emotions frequently changing, and are also drawn to seeking emotional contact with others. You tend to relate well emotionally with other people. You also may find yourself reacting instinctually rather than consciously to a given situation, and you can therefore benefit from shedding the light of conscious reason on your habitual patterns, and working toward greater focus on your true individual goals.

Moon in sesquiquadrate (within 2.1 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; control is required. This aspect gives an emotionally sensitive personality who is nurturing and caring. You may be over-dependent on others for your own feelings of self-worth, so that it is important to you that others look up to you. You do well in a business setting, having a dramatic presence that gives you natural abilities to influence others, and an attitude of caring that makes you easy to get along with, but you may have difficulties due to being changeable or engaging in political game-playing. You set priorities based on people rather than strictly on profits.

Sagittarius Rising

The Rising Sign is the mask shown to others, also the physical appearance.

Sagittarius Rising people are direct and forthright, good-natured and optimistic. Your ruling planet is Jupiter. One always knows where one stands with you. You come across as honest and forthright. You have a strong moral nature, yet you are also fun-loving and enjoy a good laugh, even at your own expense. Sagittarius is associated with idealism, religion and philosophy and the quest for freedom. You are friendly and well-liked by others, who are attracted to your open and honest nature. You love adventure, sports and travel, gambling and risk-taking. You are generous and easy-going, also very curious about the world around you. You are a lover of nature, and have an enthusiasm which can be contagious. At the highest level, you are concerned with understanding, perception, and mental activity in the service of high ideals, for the benefit of mankind.

Mars in strong opposition (within 1.6 degrees) with Ascendant Ruler of sun sign - sun's ruler

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect gives a rash personality with a quick temper. You lack patience and tend to be argumentative. You are restless and have a forceful drive, which can lead you to accomplish great things, if properly harnessed. You are likely to possess a wiry and spare physique. You are also excitable, tend to run risks, and can be opinionated. You are daring and have great physical vitality and stamina. You can definitely "hold your own" in a dispute. You are sometimes hard to talk with, seeming to take your own position at the expense of others, and you should beware of abrasive behavior towards them, such as bragging or pushing yourself too much. You usually mean well, and need to temper your physical drive with calmness and judgment.

Neptune in strong opposition (within 0.5 degrees) with Ascendant

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect gives a highly sensitive, visionary and creative individual. You are somewhat unworldly. You are likely to be artistic or musical. You are softhearted, and you may be perhaps even too willing to sacrifice yourself for the good of others. You may have problems in feeling free to assert yourself, or have issues with lack of self-confidence, self-deceptive illusions, or drugs. You may also be dissatisfied with work activities, or evade decisions, or practice other forms of escapism. You may have issues with deceptions practiced on you by other people. The development of a clearer sense of self is required. The otherworldly energy of Neptune must be used wisely. When the proper outlet is found, tremendous creativity is possible, perhaps manifested through artistic channels: music, drama, poetry. Your lesson may be to achieve a balance between the spiritual dimension of reality and ordinary life.

Venus in sesquiquadrate (within 0.1 degrees) with Ascendant

The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; control is required. This aspect gives a warm-hearted, affectionate and perhaps manipulative personality. You are cheerful, charming and likable. You are sensitive, with an inclination for artistic pursuits and refined surroundings, and you may possess considerable talent for the arts, especially music and dance. Relationships are important to you. You are inclined to reach out to other people, and may work even harder to charm them when they do not respond as you wish. You are firmly in contact with what you want and you are likely to be quite successful at getting it. With your poise and charm, this is usually not difficult for you.Venus-Asc.2 This aspect gives a warm-hearted, affectionate and perhaps manipulative personality. You are cheerful, charming and likable. You may also be very beautiful, particularly at the soul-level. You are sensitive, with an inclination for artistic pursuits and refined surroundings. You may possess considerable talent for the arts, especially music and dance. Relationships are important to you. You are also firmly in contact with what you want and you are likely to be quite successful at getting it. With your poise and charm, this is usually not difficult. In fact, things may be a little too easy for you, and you benefit from the depth of character that varying experience can bring.

Pluto in opposition (within 3.8 degrees) with Ascendant

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect gives a willful personality with a focus on being recognized and admired. You like to get your way. You have strong desires, and are single-minded about pursuing them. You have a powerful urge toward self-transformation, and may go through many changes in your life. You are not shy about expressing your beliefs, and may show a compulsion toward selfassertion and self-aggrandizement. There is an intense urge to transcend all barriers to selfrealization that will lead you through many trials and ultimately to triumph if you persist. You have tremendous powers of regeneration and rebirth that may lead you through underlying feelings of insecurity and out the other side. You tend to champion the underdog, and react strongly to social injustice. When you learn to train your considerable energy on socially oriented rather than purely personal goals, you can become a focal point for the transformation of society.

Sun in weak trine (within 11.6 degrees) with Ascendant

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect between the Sun and the Ascendant gives a strong-willed and generous personality. You are dramatic and assertive, also creative, self-confident and perhaps a bit self-indulgent. Like Leo rising people you expect to be the center of attention, and often are. You have great energy, courage and honesty and are likely to be a natural leader. You can also be inclined to rest on your laurels, relying on your charisma to get you through, rather than spurring yourself on to action. Your challenge is to actualize your great potential.

Venus in strong sextile (within 1.0 degrees) with Jupiter

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections. This aspect gives a refined and idealistic nature. You always see the big picture but may miss out on the practicalities along the way. You are incredibly optimistic, and see opportunity in everything. You may therefore suffer from a lack of focus, and not knowing what you really want. You are perhaps too easily influenced by others, and may have difficulty in making decisions. You are a great lover of art and beauty, and are very social and attractive.

Other Natal Planets

Mercury in Pisces (4° Pis 24') Mercury in the Second House

Mercury in Pisces gives a refined and visionary mentality. With this placement, you may well have musical ability. You are likely to express your thoughts and feelings poetically, from an inspired and dreamy point of view, and you may be rather absent-minded at times. Mundane reality doesn't interest you. You may avoid dealing with the so-called "real" world by being evasive or vague in your communication with others, or you may daydream or fall prey to self-deception. You are highly sensitive in your reaction to your surroundings, coming from the unconscious and instinctual level of your mental function rather than your logical side. Your feelings can be easily hurt, and it benefits you to guard against resentment toward others for seeming to take advantage of your idealistic nature.

Mercury in the Second House represents a strong connection between your inner awareness and your values, or the resources available for your use. You have an innate sense of what you most need in order to survive. Your thinking is well grounded in reality. You are a natural conduit for the acquisition and distribution of resources, with a talent for dealing with issues of finance or property rights. You learn more from practical matters than from schooling, since ideas are less interesting to you without a practical application. You have an artistic quality of mind, with a well-developed aesthetic sense. You may be interested in a profession that involves the written word, education, or finance. You also have a strong tendency to go your own way, to believe what you want to believe. You benefit from developing detachment and cultivating an open-minded attitude.

Venus in Aries (28° Ari 47') Venus in the Fifth House

Venus in Aries gives an energetic and outward-directed love nature. With this placement your love and relationship energy is impulsive and enthusiastic, so that you are loads of fun to be around. You are also likely to have strong artistic inclinations. You may be rather quick to take offense. You are passionate and restless in all forms of relationship, and you may prefer to be the one that takes the initiative, at least when it suits you to do so. You are an ardent lover, and you may need to develop a sustaining quality to your passion in order for the relationship to last. You can also be inconsiderate at times, without seeming to be aware of it. Rather than placing all the emphasis on yourself, you benefit from learning to see from other points of view.

Venus in the Fifth House represents a strong connection within you between artistic sensibility and creative self-expression. You have a great capacity for joy in your life, which expresses itself in acts of caring and giving to others. You are a proud standard bearer for what you value. You are dramatic and dignified, and also very caring and compassionate, but you may expect to get your way just a little too often for your own good, and are likely to put yourself through a reality check from time to time as a balance. You seem sure of yourself, because at base you are well grounded in appreciation of your own self-worth. You may possess the talent of a dramatic actor, which makes you an asset in social situations, and which you will no doubt use to great effect to get what you want. You have a great capacity to let the child within flow through you, as an outlet of energy that is creative in the highest sense.

Uranus in Scorpio (19° Sco 36'R) Uranus in the Twelfth House

Uranus in the Twelfth House (or sign) gives an understanding and helpful personality. With this placement you may feel some confinement or restriction in your freedom to be who you want to be. Your intuition is strong. You are inclined to nervousness, and perhaps may suffer from over sensitivity. Inner goals are more important for you than conventional ones. You are restless and not entirely at home in the physical plane, and may seek relief in drugs or other forms of escapism. You have an intense desire to commune more directly with the divine within you that does not easily find its realization in mundane activities. You are likely also to be psychically in tune with others, and you may have an interest in mysticism or the occult. You are dedicated to the service of humanity at large, and these ideals will strongly affect the expression of your individuality. You may have a need to confront the past in order to outgrow its effects on your own life, manifested in terms of subconscious or habitual patterns.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

Uranus in Scorpio (or the eighth house) gives an individual who is willful and possesses great depth of passion. You have a keen intuition and immense power to transform yourself and your personal relationships as you evolve. You may be fascinated with sexuality, or issues of death and rebirth, and you can also be quite psychic. The search for depth connection with the divine in you and in others is intriguing and you may delve deeply into occult studies. You are likely to have an unconventional approach where sexual matters are concerned. You may also be challenged in interpersonal relationships. You may experience loss throughout your life due to the sudden departure or unexpected death of a loved one. Such trials can serve a deeper purpose in your life, since transformation is a necessary step for you in the area of intimacy. The application of will and the ability to look inside yourself for your own unique answers may bring about a better understanding of the deeper relations between self and other.

N Node in Pisces (21° Pis 53') N Node in the Third House

Lunar North Node in the Third House (or sign). South Node in the ninth house or sign. With this placement you have unusually clear and direct communication skills. You are interested in the practical application of knowledge, in helping to bring people together, rather than information simply for the sake of it. In the past, or in past lifetimes, you likely got far into solitary philosophical concerns. Perhaps religious values were quite important to you. Now your focus is on a more mundane or worldly view, where higher knowledge counts, but only in so far as it is useful in the analysis of dayto-day events and in order to spread the word to others. Although you may be tempted at times to drift off into deeper reflections, your real goal is to be in touch with people, and your mental abilities serve your purpose well.

Lunar North Node in Pisces (or the twelfth house). South Node in the sixth house or sign. This placement gives you a personality with a focus on spiritual rather than worldly concerns. Although the practical matters of everyday life come easily to you, you do not find your true happiness in the pursuit of mundane affairs, but seek constantly to expand your horizons mentally and spiritually to a larger and more inclusive context. This may be difficult, for the pull of everyday life is very strong in you, and in many ways it is what you do best. In the past, or in previous lifetimes, you made your focus in refining your abilities in the practical world. At that time you dealt mainly with issues of personal health, or of the welfare of others in small but important ways. Now, in this lifetime, your focus gradually shifts to a higher plane of activity. You find your true happiness not so much in day-today routine, but in sacrificing yourself to a higher purpose, to advancing beyond the material world, with a disregard for your own well being. You find yourself going deep within yourself to bring forth a renewed understanding of how to serve others by giving up your personal ego-involvement in your actions, as you become an exemplar of a more spiritually based society, in helping others with true compassion.

Other Aspects

Mercury in strong trine (within 1.8 degrees) with Saturn

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect gives a profound mentality, deepening and concentrating your mind and your powers of speech and communication. You are shrewd in business, and are adaptable to a variety of professions. You like to do things by the book. Long hours of concentration could produce in you a brilliant scholar, or a star of the legal profession. You may feel a sense of isolation and loneliness in your life. Your lesson is to learn faith and to cultivate a positive attitude toward your mental process, restructuring that process along more personal and less rigid lines.

Mars in strong conjunction (within 1.1 degrees) with Neptune

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. This conjunction gives an attractive personality with a strong psychic sensitivity and an inclination to mysticism and the arts. You possess a good understanding of and balance between the practical and the ideal. You have a personal magnetism that can strongly influence other people. You are able to create images in the minds of others. You can also seem to be different things to different people, so that your own understanding of who you really are can come into question. You can also be vague regarding your own motivation or fall into periods of discontent with life in the material plane. You can benefit from clarifying your aims, and learning to focus your power and become a channel for its higher use in your life and that of society around you.

Mars in strong trine (within 0.4 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. You are likely to have an excellent ability to get things done, and also great drive to succeed at what you do. This aspect gives an assertive personality who desires success in public life. Career issues are very important for you, and you take pride in your many accomplishments. You are active in the pursuit of your goals with tremendous energy that needs that outlet.

Neptune in strong trine (within 1.5 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This combination gives a charming personality with an idealistic nature. You may have a musical career or achieve much in the helping professions. You tend to give more than you receive in your employment. You are susceptible to suggestion, and you may have a tendency to avoid responsibility. There may have been difficulties or confusion in your early years, especially with regard to your parents. The image that you have of your parents may change as you mature. In vocation, you must learn to clarify your goals. You will not be content with an ordinary job, but must seek out some career that is a real calling. At your best you express the societal ideals of brother- and sisterhood and find a spiritual joy in your work.

Pluto in strong trine (within 1.8 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This combination gives a forceful personality with a focus on issues of authority, power and control. There may in fact be a compulsion for control manifesting in problems with interpersonal relations or in rebellious attitudes toward established authority, or perhaps in the charismatic personal magnetism of the natural leader. What is needed is a reevaluation and transformation of the urge for power and control, based on a deeper understanding of personal power and a more conscious and socially responsible use of it.

Mercury in inconjunct (within 1.8 degrees) with Chiron

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed. With this placement you may exhibit difficulties in communication or in how you express your ideas. There may be painful realizations in your background in connection with how you expressed yourself while a youngster. Stuttering is one possible manifestation of this type of influence. You probably experienced a wounding in your earliest exploration with other youngsters, possibly siblings. With this placement you are clever, yet there is blocking and frustration, until you begin to gain more conscious understanding of the ways in which you have been wounded, and also unconsciously wounded others. You also have a sharp and very intuitive mind. When you begin the process of transforming your painful memories into clear pictures with less emotion attached to them, you'll discover healing energy within your own psyche, and for your communication with others as well.

Venus in semi-square (within 1.7 degrees) with Mars

The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; calmness is required. This aspect gives a passionate and sensitive nature. Your emotions are strong, and there is likely to be some suffering from conflicts in the battle of the sexes. You are an ardent lover, and you may be very sensuous, especially if Mars is in Aries, Leo, Scorpio, or Capricorn. You may benefit from better control over your emotions; as you have a strong temper, but offset by a warmly affectionate nature. You are likely to be fond of music, especially singing and dance. In the passage of time there may be lessons to be learned by knocking up against emotional obstacles.

Venus in semi-square (within 0.6 degrees) with Neptune

The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; calmness is required. This aspect gives a charming and idealistic personality. There is love of beauty and the arts, especially music and painting, and an interest in spiritual matters. You are imaginative and visionary, also compassionate and kind, and are sensitive to the suffering of others. You may have a tendency to become enmeshed in emotional confusion. You will benefit from developing a more discriminating attitude toward relationships generally, and more confidence in the value of your own process.

Mars in conjunction (within 2.2 degrees) with Pluto

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. This conjunction gives a personality with a tremendous drive for power and transformation of self. You are strong-willed almost to the point of ruthlessness, and you have enormous energy and endurance at your disposal. You may appear timid or unsure of yourself, since the power urge is commonly repressed, but then there is the potential for sudden bursts of anger due to the repressed emotion finally exploding to the surface. You may also have feelings of insecurity that are compensated for by being overly forceful, acting compulsively or even becoming obsessive about achieving your will. In a more positive manifestation, you can exhibit a dedication to higher ideals and a willingness to be a channel for healing yourself and society. The challenge is movement away from feelings of insecurity and resulting separateness and loneliness, toward a better acceptance of other's needs and opinions in order to generate wholeness, forgiveness towards self and others, and a new and better sense of self-worth.

Saturn in inconjunct (within 3.8 degrees) with Pluto

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed. This aspect gives a forceful personality with a focus on issues of authority, power and control. You may have a compulsion for control leading to problems with interpersonal relations or rebellious attitudes toward established authority. What is needed is a re-evaluation and transformation of the urge for power and control, based on a deeper understanding of and more conscious and socially responsible use of personal power.

Saturn in semi-sextile (exact) with Chiron

The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information. With this aspect, you may have a tendency be rigid or stuck in situations; unbending. You have an attachment and also great difficulty with authority. You may have suffered through potentially painful experiences as a child, when you were forced to submit to an arbitrary authority or limitation of some kind. The relationship with your father may have been damaged in some way; perhaps it was a relationship you had to get away from, either from his overbearing nature or from his neediness and lack of presence. With this aspect, you need to make your own form of personal authority, independent from the parental influences or that of society. This gives you the potential for great strength and leadership, if you can integrate your powerful and perhaps repressed emotions regarding your concept of authority. In this way you can become an exemplar for others. You may be one to rework the structure of society itself in some way, or to become an advisor or even a leader in the social sphere; perhaps in connection with organizations devoted to new age healing techniques.

Uranus in semi-square (within 1.6 degrees) with Chiron

The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; calmness is required. With this aspect, you are prone to sudden insights and departures. You have a unusual combination of personality traits in which you are both very unconventional yet also somewhat unsure of yourself in your very departure from the rest of society, so that you may surprisingly show flashes of a conservative side. You have a brilliant mind, and are undoubtedly a witty conversationalist, although with a slightly erratic tendency to switch topics arbitrarily. This aspect is the hallmark of an inventor or other type of creative thinker, perhaps in the health fields or the helping professions. You are likely to have great difficulties with walking the straight and narrow but something seems to be forcing you to. Or it is a compulsion based on your own painful experiences with authority. It is important to become more conscious of your hidden motivations and patterns, so as not to be ruled by them from below, as it were.

Neptune in conjunction (within 3.3 degrees) with Pluto

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. This conjunction gives an individual with a personal involvement in the energies of the collective. This is a generational aspect, which many of your contemporaries will share with you. You have a subtle intuition and unusually clear insight into others. The influence of the unconscious is especially strong in you. You need to connect with your higher self in order to be happy. You function at your best in service to the world, helping to move it closer to a vision of spiritual union between all mankind.

Pluto in trine (within 3.7 degrees) with Chiron

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. With this aspect you are likely to possess a somewhat compulsive nature. You have a tendency to plunge into the depths of despair as well as the heights of manic madness as a form of compensatory reaction to the over-indulgence of wallowing in the depths. There are great depths of passion within you, likely the result of painful experiences from early childhood. As long as these experiences remain unintegrated, they will cause a stir, both for yourself and for anyone you become close to. When you become more conscious of these patterns you have a great capacity to heal yourself and others. You have a keen intuition and great power to transform yourself and your personal relationships as you evolve.

Sun in weak sextile (within 7.8 degrees) with Pluto

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections. This aspect gives a willful personality with a focus on being recognized and admired. You have strong desires, and you also have a powerful urge toward self-transformation, and may go through many changes in your life. You are not shy about expressing your beliefs, and you may even feel a compulsion toward self-assertion or self-aggrandizement. You also tend to champion the underdog, and react strongly to social injustice. In relationships, you tend to become intensely involved quickly, and stay absorbed in the relationship as long as it lasts. There may be underlying feelings of insecurity leading to your rather self-centered and ego oriented behavior. Exploring these feelings can be incredibly rewarding for you, and should be quite possible, for you have tremendous powers of regeneration and rebirth. When you learn to train your considerable energy on these socially oriented as well as personal goals, you can become a focal point for the transformation of society itself.

Sun in weak opposition (within 9.6 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect gives a strong personality, very involved in work and career. You can be autocratic and may appear selfish, or bent on getting your own way. You have tremendous drive, and will likely go far, but you might need to beware of too much ego-involvement in being on top.

Moon in weak conjunction (within 9.8 degrees) with Mercury

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. This conjunction gives a sensible, kindly personality with a shrewd and penetrating understanding. You are honest, straight talking and logical, and display an unusually high intelligence. With your powerful mind and fertile imagination, you are known for being witty and entertaining. You are also a bit whimsical and you have unusual ideas. You are likely to be extra careful with your health.

Moon in weak trine (within 11.6 degrees) with Saturn

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. There is likely to be caution and reserve in your make-up, along with a good sense of the practicalities of life. This aspect gives a deepening and concentrating in the expression of your feelings. You may be extremely sensitive. You may have had a strict upbringing. The parental figures, in your life, especially your mother, may have been experienced as rejecting or uncaring. You may experience some difficulties in your relationship to the feminine. You may also benefit from relationships with powerful feminine figures, symbolic of the powerful feelings that need fuller expression in your own nature. The lesson for you here is to understand and value the true roots of your being more fully and deeply, leading to a better sense of security and greater self-acceptance.

Moon in weak trine (within 11.4 degrees) with Neptune

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect gives an emotionally sensitive, idealistic and loving personality. You possess an ethereal quality, and are a lover of music and the arts. You have the potential for powerful psychic abilities. You are the softhearted type, and you may be too willing to sacrifice yourself for the good of others. You were probably strongly influenced by your home life, and may tend to idealize these formative experiences. You could have issues with selfdeception or experience discontent with the practical realities of life. Your home is important to you, and you may change residences frequently in search of your ideal environment, or dream of the ideal romantic attachment without ever finding the perfect mate. You benefit from striving for greater clarity in applying your high ideals to the real world.

Mercury in weak sextile (within 5.6 degrees) with Venus

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections. This aspect gives a charming manner and an idealistic philosophy. You are friendly and sociable, and lean toward the beautiful and artistic side of life. You have artistic abilities and a youthful attitude, and tend to like young people. You like to dress attractively, although not necessarily expensively, and are likely to be cheerful and optimistic. You also usually have a pleasant speaking or singing voice, and express yourself well in speech or writing. You can be very persuasive in a quiet way.

Mercury in weak square (within 7.7 degrees) with Mars

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect greatly increases your mental energies, and gives you a personality that is intelligent, ambitious and aggressive. You can be opinionated, or perhaps quarrelsome and argumentative, and you may be nervous or ill tempered. You are likely to jump to conclusions. You have a sharp tongue and a ready wit, and you may tend to find fault with other people or hurt their feelings by being unnecessarily outspoken. You are determined and intelligent, and will go far in life, especially when you learn to value the opinions of others.

Mercury in weak trine (within 6.6 degrees) with Jupiter

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This conjunction gives a quiet and unassuming and clever personality, which is also somewhat scattered. You are good-natured, and are likely to be above average in intelligence. You make a good teacher. You may be absent-minded, also apt to be somewhat changeable in your opinion. You likely prefer a simple mode of life and possess a good balance between spiritual and physical realms.

Mercury in weak square (within 5.5 degrees) with Pluto

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect gives a sharp and penetrating mind, together with unusually clear and direct communication skills. You are likely to be quite interested in the occult, or other hidden and potentially taboo areas of thought. As a matter of fact, you tend to see into the deeper aspects of any subject matter that you might single out for study, and are able to discourse forcefully upon it. You may however become so focused on the emotional charge with which you hold these ideas that you lose a certain sense of perspective regarding them. In other words, you can be compulsively attached to your communication or the results of your mental process, so that there is a danger that you may feel yourself to be correct in what you say in spite of what others may think. You might also need to be aware of a tendency to be manipulative in your dealings with other people, since you have a forceful will in association with your powers of speech and communication. You can be a great source of inspiration when you use your powers of insight and expression responsibly, enabling you to share your gift with humanity.

Venus in weak opposition (within 7.4 degrees) with Saturn

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect gives a personality with a deepening and concentration, or a blockage in the area of interpersonal relationships. You are sensitive and have a strong sense of duty. You are likely to be very loyal. You may have experienced coldness from one parent, or early love experiences may have proven painful. You may seem cold or uncaring yourself at times, or express jealousy or other feelings of inferiority, which may also manifest as a nagging discontent with life in general, or sorrow and difficulty in marriage. In a woman's chart there may be feelings of unattractiveness or fears regarding your femininity. You could also feel bitterness and disillusion with romance or fears of rejection concerning romantic contacts. Yet you also have an opportunity to rise above these circumstances in concentrated effort over time toward inner integration and balance, toward relationship more fully explored and felt, based on the self-confidence born of actual experience and mutual understanding.

Mars in weak trine (within 5.9 degrees) with Chiron

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. With this aspect you have issues around expressing anger, as well as exerting personal will versus knuckling under to authority. It may be that you have had painful experiences with violence, or potential violence, on the part of someone close to you, perhaps in your early childhood. As a result of these experiences, you may fear the power of your own anger, and seek to placate your opponent in situations where a direct confrontation seems to be brewing. You may exhibit something of a "passive-aggressive" attitude, in which there is hidden aggression under-expressed, rather than any form of direct attack. It is often the case that the powerful emotions associated with this aspect hover below the level of conscious awareness in your psyche. As you become more aware of these patterns, you will less and less need to act them out either suppressed with passivity, or with bluster. Another manifestation of this aspect, perhaps paradoxically, is the ability to lead and be willful, to not take "no for an answer". The willful energy of Mars is given a creative boost by Chiron, both in terms of suffering and in a better-integrated personality, in terms of conquest. A still better level of integration produces the self-assured and powerful personality who does not depend on others either to express his or her own desires, nor to be crushed by them.

Neptune in weak trine (within 7.0 degrees) with Chiron

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. With this combination of planetary energies in your chart, you may have gone to the depths and back again in your life. You have a particularly strong access to the world of dreams and inner fantasy, which may serve as an escape valve for you. You may also be extremely sensitive to the psyches of others, may vicariously experience their pain. Something keeps you out of touch with consensus reality, but you also are not comfortable with this role. It is as if you stand on the other side of a glass door from the rest of society, through which you alternately gaze longingly and then lose interest and wander away into your own fantasy. You are capable of tremendous spiritual powers once you have begun to work through these difficulties and establish a better sense of where you stand vis a vis the remainder of society. You may exhibit great poetic or musical talent or the empathy of a born healer. Having come through a painful examination of your own psyche you are able to see more clearly and compassionately into the minds of others also.

Chiron in weak conjunction (within 5.5 degrees) with Midheaven

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. With this aspect of Chiron and your Midheaven, you likely have issues around exerting personal will versus knuckling under to authority. You have enormous energy and endurance at your disposal, although you may appear timid or unsure of yourself, since your power urge is likely to be repressed. It may be that you have had many painful experiences with authority. As a result of these experiences, you may fear the expression of your own personal power, and alternate between complying with the standards of society around you, or rebelling against them. You may avoid situations where a direct confrontation seems to be brewing. You also may feel more empowered in helping others than in getting your own act together, and this aspect can be the sign of someone with a career in the helping professions, perhaps involved with new age healing. It is often the case that the powerful emotions associated with this aspect hover below the level of conscious awareness in your psyche. As you become more aware of these patterns, you will less and less need to act them out either suppressed with passivity, or with bluster. Another manifestation of this aspect, perhaps paradoxically, is the ability to lead and be willful, to not take "no for an answer", to be ruthless in accomplishing one's aims. A better level of integration produces a newly self-assured personality whereby you do not depend on others either to fully express your own desires, nor to be swayed by theirs. When you have integrated the walled-off places in your psyche that inhibit action on the part of your whole entire self, you are available to yourself in situations of leadership, as well as in truly helping other people.
