Natal Report for Abert Einstein

Report generated for Abert Einstein
Mar 14, 1879, 11:30 GMT
Ulm, Germany (48N24, 10E00)

Interpretation text by Henry Seltzer


Your natal horoscope, or birth chart, is a snapshot of the heavens at the moment you were born. It shows what the sky actually looked like at the time and place of your birth. Astrology in modern times has renewed the ancient discovery that the symbolism of the planets that surrounded you at birth describes your character and personality. Planets that were directly overhead at the time and place of your birth are most important, and would appear at the very top of the chart or the Midheaven. Planets that were just rising above the horizon in the East at the time of your birth would appear near the horizontal line at the left hand side of the chart or the Ascendant. If the Sun appears in the top half of the chart, then you were born during daylight hours and have a more outer directed personality. All of these features reflect the factors at play in the Universe at the moment of your birth and are significant indications of the basic qualities and tendencies that continue to make up your personality.

Each planet's relative position in the sky and significant angles that it makes to the other planets, or aspects, are examined in this report. Please keep in mind that you are not limited by these descriptions. Your natal horoscope does not prescribe your fate. The stars incline, they do not compel. Your birth chart shows potentials that you can either struggle to fulfill or deny. The choice is yours. Beneficial aspects, or planetary positions, are areas of life in which you show natural talent and achieve easy success. Challenging aspects, or planetary positions, can become your greatest asset if you can learn to be aware of how that dynamic plays out in your life and the world at large. The strongest and most important features of your chart are described first. For definitions of astrological terms, please refer to the glossary at the end of this report.

About the Author

Henry Seltzer is a consulting astrologer with over 20 years experience. A well-known speaker and writer, he holds degrees from MIT, NYU and the University of California, San Diego, and created the popular TimePassages software in 1995. His approach to astrology is based on personal transformation, an optimistic assessment that more than anything, people want to understand the fundamental meaning of their lives and grow as individuals. Henry currently maintains an active astrological counseling practice in Santa Cruz, CA; visit

Chart Patterns

Funnel, focal planet Uranus

You have the planetary pattern type called the 'funnel' shape. All your planets form a group, with the exception of the focal point, one planet or two planets in conjunction. Your energies tend to be channeled through this focus. You will have abilities in the occupied area of the chart, and goals in the direction of the focal point. The focal planet(s) symbolizes how your energies will be expressed, and where you seek to have your needs met or achieve your purpose.

Uranus in the Third House (or sign) gives an individual who is restless and mentally acute, with an ability to grasp new concepts quickly. You are likely to change your focus quite a bit. Education is important to you, and you actively explore new subjects and disciplines, becoming adept at all of them, but perhaps without fulfilling long-term commitments. You are one who is able to spark new ideas in the minds of others. Your relations with friends and associates are also likely to vary sporadically. You may have had upsetting circumstances in the area of early home life or in relations with your brothers and sisters, so that the underpinning of sibling relations represents for you an instability. You have the ability to think freely, unhampered by conventional attitudes or public opinion, and you can also benefit from developing self-discipline in your mental function. You have a need for unique expression in your life that corresponds to a higher vision to create new kinds of mental systems and new forms of communication.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

Uranus in Virgo (or the sixth house) gives an individual with a clever and enthusiastic mind, original in thought and action and not comfortable with routine. You are likely to have a scientific and analytical mentality. You can also be impatient with others, or lacking in sympathy for their concerns. You like to change jobs, and you are a hard worker, if allowed the freedom to work as you feel motivated. You may have to struggle with organizational elements at the expense of performance. You may also have health problems, since the Uranian energy is fitful in its application. You may experience difficulty with keeping things in order, but this can be overcome through persistence. You are likely to be interested in new-age healing techniques. You are on an important path of self-realization in this life, corresponding to your own unique vision, and will not be satisfied with anyone else's idea of what it is that you need to accomplish for yourself. You benefit from drawing out your original creative impulse into more long-lasting and concrete projects through concentration and technique.

T-Square, focal planet Pluto

You have a T-Square in your chart. With this planetary aspect pattern, in which three planets or conjunctions are in square with one another, you have a high degree of motivation and drive. Your energies are most easily and habitually expressed by the energy of the focal point, the middle of the T-Square. You may also compensate for overdoing in the area of life represented by the focal point, by leaning toward the empty pattern element opposite the focal point, seeking to balance your activity. The lesson of this planetary aspect pattern is in learning to use your considerable energy wisely in the pursuit of your true goals. There is great tension represented by the focal planet or planets in your chart, where conflicting parts of your personality attain their focus and peak of energy, and you may observe compulsive behavior in the area of life represented here.

Pluto in the Eleventh House (or sign) gives you a personality with an intense focus on friendships and group associations. You can perhaps behave compulsively with regard to group membership, or you may feel an unconscious drive toward an objective or goal that you do not fully understand. You have a dynamic and powerful expectation orientation that is constantly pulling you onward, so that you are never satisfied with what you have in front of you, but rather seek the bliss of an improved future for yourself and for the social groups with which you are connected. You like to be liked, and may go through many changes around the development of your own sense of yourself in relation to your friends and associates. You may radically change your group affiliation from time to time in an effort to resolve the unconscious motivations that tie you to its membership. You are also likely to be involved at some point in your life with a movement whose goal is the eventual improvement of society. Your task is to attempt to make conscious choices in these areas, and to become aware of your true objectives, based on your own values and goals, independent from the approval of others.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

Pluto in Taurus (or the second house) gives you tremendous focus around the issue of money and material possessions. With this placement you will transform your attitude toward the material, and your values in general, as you go through life. Finding your own base, independent of cultural norms, is an important theme for you. You may be apt to associate a sense of security with material possessions, or find yourself spending in a compulsive way for no apparent reason. You are a financial powerhouse, but there can be swings of fortune, up and down, as you will likely go through many changes in your attitude toward the material in the course of your life's journey. You may find that you move toward a more connected sense of security as you mature, one that does not stem from feelings of isolation and lack. You can then overcome your tendency to obsess on having enough through self-discipline and a realigning of values. When your values transform, your sense of self no longer depends on physical possessions, but rather on the deeper meaning associated with these things, which are symbolic of love and sharing.

Important Features

Moon in Sagittarius, in the Sixth House

The moon in Sagittarius gives an uninhibited, freedom-loving personality which may incline to the restless. You are very idealistic, and see the best side of everyone. You are happy and fun to be around. You are also apt to be impatient. You tend to react to situations with action rather than with reflection. You can also be unrealistic in your approach to situations. You should learn to temper your idealism with reality in setting out to achieve your high aspirations.

The Moon in the Sixth House represents an emotional sensitivity with respect to issues with service to yourself and others in the world. You are very conscientious and concerned with how best to serve yourself and other people. You perceive the chaos in the world, both your inner and outer world, as a reflection of an inability to perfect your own emotional processing. You can be nervous or high-strung. You are likely to be over-sensitive about how you express yourself emotionally. You may feel a need to control your emotions with caution although you are adaptable to your environment. You are very aware of your need to be of service to others. You work hard and you can be demanding and critical of yourself. You may also expect others to work as hard as you. You will be better able to serve yourself and other people when you learn to come to terms with your sensitivity and begin to feel secure with your own emotions.

Sun in Pisces, in the Ninth House

The Sun represents your will and purpose, your sense of vitality, and your evolving higher Self. In Pisces it is Mutable-Water, and rules the feet. Your ruling planet is Neptune, and also Jupiter. You are friendly and likable, and yet you can be very moody and introspective as well. Pisces is a watery sign, concerned with subtle emotions and secret mystical depths. You are not entirely at home in this world. You may at times prefer your inner life to this one. You are dreamy and full of imagination, and are easily influenced by everything around you, being quite sensitive to the emotions of others. You also have an artistic temperament that allows you to express these feelings in creative and innovative ways. You can be strong when necessary, but you may have a hard time making a decision. You also may experience upsets periodically, stemming from your extreme sensitivity as you react to situations and events that seem harsh to you. At your best you are truly compassionate, offering service, love and understanding to all of life that surrounds you.

The Sun in the Ninth House represents a concentration of the vital force of abstracting and understanding universal truth. You are strongly invested in creating for yourself a philosophy as your personal vision of life as an interconnected adventure or journey. You willingly study the various meanings ascribed to life that are visionary in nature, involving patterns that interplay or holistic forms. You use your higher awareness to look for pieces of life's mysterious puzzle and then organize your perceptions to connect them within a broader picture of reality. In addition to your voyage through your own inner landscapes you enjoy adventuring by traveling to foreign lands and learning languages. You are also drawn to be an observer of other's ideas and experiences. You love to study and reflect back into society anything that people have gathered and learned. Your nature is to eliminate the extraneous from hidden truths and reveal their essence to those around you. You are at your best when you have a range of areas of interest to experience and absorb into your mind and body, in order that you stretch out your visionary vistas and make them more concretely available to others as you lucidly explore the outer reaches of your perceptions.

Saturn in Aries, in the Tenth House

Saturn in the Tenth House (or sign) gives an ambitious and clear-minded individual, with a strong sense of responsibility. You are persistent, careful and calculating, and have a deep urge for mastery and achievement. You are likely to place extreme importance on traditional values in reaching for the prize you seek, accomplishment in the eyes of the world. Like the mountain goat ascending you are cautious and rarely take chances, and may appear dutifully grim in your outlook. You may experience difficulties, limitations or delays in the achievement of your goals, but you usually achieve success in the end. You may have encountered problems in your early life with finding your own identity independent of parental figures, and you may now operate out of a subconscious fear that if you don't conquer the world first, then it will conquer you instead. When you are at your best, you can transform your struggle from a personal drive for power in the world into a model for others wherein the social matrix surrounding you is enlightened by your actions.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

Saturn in Aries (or the first house) gives a deepening and concentration, or a blockage, in the area of self-confidence and self-expression. With this placement you are likely to be reserved. You also have good reasoning power. You desire to better yourself, and are eager for success in the world of tangible results. The purposeful expression of your will may however be inhibited by subconscious fears, preventing action. This is a cross to bear, but you can definitely overcome this tendency with persistent effort over time. You may appear shy and stiff, or self-effacing, or you may over-compensate through defensive or argumentative behavior. You may at times strongly assert yourself, seizing control of situations. You may also suffer from headaches. You possess a powerful desire for freedom of expression that does not easily find its realization. Your lesson is striving to overcome any fears you may have in expressing yourself, and thus come to a better understanding of who you are and what you can achieve.

Mars in Capricorn, in the Seventh House

Mars in the Seventh House (or sign) gives a sensitive, and emotionally impressionable nature with an inclination to get very involved with other people. You are likely to have great charm and poise, and an ongoing attraction to love and romance. You can be a persuasive talker, and enjoy getting your own way, although you also are truly committed to making sure all parties in a dispute receive just and fair treatment, and will go out of your way to make sure that they get it. You are potentially a rash and ardent lover, and you may marry early. You are likely to seek an active partner, one who will match your own fiery independence that is a part of your basic nature you may not always show. You might need to work through quarreling with others as a way of standing up to being overly influenced by them, and benefit from exploring a greater degree of selfreliance. You also may be attracted to the idea of partnerships generally, as a way of life. You profit from cultivating moderation and objectivity in your dealings with others.

Mars in Capricorn (or the tenth house) gives an ambitious, vigorous and persistent nature. You are conservative and careful but always able to reach the goal. You are fond of responsibility. You will achieve much in life, being naturally controlled and a good follower as well as a good leader, although your actions are more likely to be guided by social convention than personal ambition. You seldom speak without a purpose, and can have a reputation as the "strong silent type." In your highest manifestation, your energy is invested in satisfying collective needs, for the betterment of society around you. You may have to work through issues of pride, even arrogance, and you can sometimes arouse opposition or even hostility from others. You suffer from tunnel vision at times, and benefit from cultivating broader and more unselfish ways of looking at things.

Venus in Aries, in the Tenth House

Venus in Aries gives an energetic and outward-directed love nature. With this placement your love and relationship energy is impulsive and enthusiastic, so that you are loads of fun to be around. You are also likely to have strong artistic inclinations. You may be rather quick to take offense. You are passionate and restless in all forms of relationship, and you may prefer to be the one that takes the initiative, at least when it suits you to do so. You are an ardent lover, and you may need to develop a sustaining quality to your passion in order for the relationship to last. You can also be inconsiderate at times, without seeming to be aware of it. Rather than placing all the emphasis on yourself, you benefit from learning to see from other points of view.

Venus in the Tenth House represents a strong connection within you between artistic impulses, your values, and concepts of prestige and authority, or career. You may seek a profession in the arts. You value the qualities of authority and being out in the world, and also possess a natural grace in your dealings with people, so that you seem quite sure of yourself. Other people are likely to automatically respect your stand, which is usually well thought out. You also tend to be reserved, and respond to conventional wisdom in the gift of your affection, seldom taking emotional risks. There is likely to have been a close emotional attachment to your mother, or opposite sex parent, in which you felt valued, and which gives you the strength of your convictions. There is a beauty about you in the way you manifest your career or chosen profession. You are constantly aware of looking good in the public sphere, and may enjoy also the benefit of applying your well-developed sense of aesthetics to the work that you do with yourself alone, seeing the beauty that lies within.

Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Features

Cancer Rising

The Rising Sign is the mask shown to others, also the physical appearance.

People with Cancer rising are nurturing and protective of other people. Your ruling planet is the Moon, and you tend to be moody, with your emotions constantly changing. You are security-conscious and your home is important to you. The position of the Moon in your chart is very important, and shows the way your personality is likely to develop. If the Moon is well-placed by sign and aspect, life flows easily for you, while stressful aspects or sign placement may reflect difficulties (check the position of the Moon). Cancer people are apt to appear passive, and to rely on their feelings. You are subtle, rather than direct, and are likely to reflect the moods of those around you. You are also good at working with the public. You are likely to be involved with the past in some way, because the sign of Cancer is the sign of nurturing, protecting, sustaining, and is strongly tied to the past, and Karma. You are probably the type who can be happy for hours in an antique store. Cancer people tend to collect the residue of past experience and hold onto it, as a coloration of their present activities, leading to instinctual action. You can benefit from shedding the light of conscious reason on your habitual patterns, and focusing on your true goals.

Sun in trine with Ascendant
The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect between the Sun and the Ascendant gives a strong-willed and generous personality. You are dramatic and assertive, also creative, self-confident and perhaps a bit self-indulgent. Like Leo rising people you expect to be the center of attention, and often are. You have great energy, courage and honesty and are likely to be a natural leader. You can also be inclined to rest on your laurels, relying on your charisma to get you through, rather than spurring yourself on to action. Your challenge is to actualize your great potential.

Moon in inconjunct with Ascendant
The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.

This aspect between the Moon and Ascendant gives a nurturing and protective personality. You are subtle in your actions, rather than direct, and are likely to reflect the moods of those around you. Your sense of security and your home are important to you. You have a habit of moodiness, with your emotions frequently changing, and this can create problems in relating to others. You may feel at a loss to connect with others, not being sure of how they really feel towards you, and yet secretly desiring emotional contact with them. You also tend to act instinctively, rather than after reasoning out the situation. You can therefore benefit from shedding the light of conscious reason on your habitual patterns, and working toward greater focus on your true goals.

Venus in square with Ascendant
The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect gives a warm-hearted, affectionate and perhaps manipulative personality. You are cheerful, charming and likable. You are sensitive, with an inclination for artistic pursuits and refined surroundings, and you may possess considerable talent for the arts, especially music and dance. Relationships are important to you. You are inclined to reach out to other people, and may work even harder to charm them when they do not respond as you wish. You are firmly in contact with what you want and you are likely to be quite successful at getting it. With your poise and charm, this is usually not difficult for you.

Mars in weak opposition with Ascendant
The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

This aspect gives a rash personality with a quick temper. You lack patience and tend to be argumentative. You are restless and have a forceful drive, which can lead you to accomplish great things, if properly harnessed. You are likely to possess a wiry and spare physique. You are also excitable, tend to run risks, and can be opinionated. You are daring and have great physical vitality and stamina. You can definitely "hold your own" in a dispute. You are sometimes hard to talk with, seeming to take your own position at the expense of others, and you should beware of abrasive behavior towards them, such as bragging or pushing yourself too much. You usually mean well, and need to temper your physical drive with calmness and judgment.

Sun in strong sextile with Pluto
The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect gives a willful personality with a focus on being recognized and admired. You have strong desires, and you also have a powerful urge toward self-transformation, and may go through many changes in your life. You are not shy about expressing your beliefs, and you may even feel a compulsion toward self-assertion or self-aggrandizement. You also tend to champion the underdog, and react strongly to social injustice. In relationships, you tend to become intensely involved quickly, and stay absorbed in the relationship as long as it lasts. There may be underlying feelings of insecurity leading to your rather self-centered and ego oriented behavior. Exploring these feelings can be incredibly rewarding for you, and should be quite possible, for you have tremendous powers of regeneration and rebirth. When you learn to train your considerable energy on these socially oriented as well as personal goals, you can become a focal point for the transformation of society itself.

Sun in strong conjunction with Midheaven
The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This conjunction gives a strong personality, very involved in work and career. You can be autocratic and may appear selfish, or bent on getting your own way. You have excellent executive abilities. With your tremendous drive, you will likely go far, but you might need to beware of too much ego-involvement in being on top.

Sun in sextile with Mars
The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect gives a self-confident, active, and decisive personality. You have great physical vitality and stamina, are out-going and like to exercise your mental and physical powers. You are usually happiest when engaged in some form of activity. Right and constructive action seems to come naturally to you. You are likely to be outspoken, and possess great abilities in combat as well as athletics.

Moon in strong trine with Venus
The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect gives a calm and steady emotional nature, with a refined and artistic sensibility. You are habitually cheerful and are likely to be happiest in your home and family. You possess a great deal of personal charm, and also have a love for the arts, especially music and dance. You are courteous and popular, and supportive to your friends. It is important for you that your home environment be aesthetically pleasing.

The ruler of your Sun Sign is
Neptune in Taurus, in the Eleventh House

The ruler of your Sun sign is characteristic of your personality:

Neptune in the Eleventh House (or sign) gives a visionary personality with altruistic principles. You are popular, and may have a wide circle of friends. On the other hand, you may have problems to be worked through with deception in friendships, or confusion regarding a friend's true motives, or issues of using social interaction to escape your responsibilities. You have a highly developed social sense, and a strong affinity for groups expressing spiritual ideals. You may need to clarify your goals. You have a tremendous and positive vision of your own possibilities and those for society at large, but if Neptune is not well aspected in your chart, you may have difficulties to work through regarding the practical fulfillment of your visions and plans. At your best, you are compassionate toward others, making significant contribution toward the creation of a more loving world, based on humanitarian ideals of universal brotherhood.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

Neptune in Taurus (or the second house) gives a kind and charming personality with a sensuous nature and good taste in artistic matters. You love music, painting and poetry. You are inclined to express your aesthetic sense in your environment. You may also have a tendency to excessive consumption or even extravagance. You may have good luck with money in your life, and yet waste it pursuing impractical schemes. You can become prey to delusions regarding the true importance of the material world in your life, or doubt the basis of your security. There could be a lack of appreciation for your possessions, or an appreciation based on their emotional rather than their intrinsic value. You may also have a strong desire to share personal wealth or to give your things away to others. You benefit when you realize that a deeper perception of the meaning behind the material world is needed, in order to transform your values regarding resources, and that your true foundation for security lies within yourself.

Other Natal Planets

Mercury in Aries, in the Tenth House

Mercury in Aries gives a forceful, impetuous and impulsive mentality. Witty, inventive and quick, you take up new ideas with enthusiasm. Your intuition is keen. You tend to be impatient with opposition and delay. You may also be very sensitive when it comes to visual or auditory sense impressions. You may have a tendency to exaggerate, or to argue. You have considerable mental energy, and a need to assert yourself in your thought process and your communication with others. It benefits you to learn concentration, for with control your abundant mental energy is vastly more useful.

Mercury in the Tenth House represents a strong mental connection between your inner awareness and career or professional ambitions in the world. With this placement you have a diplomatic bent, and also have the makings of a good teacher. You are likely to learn quickly from hands-on training or the practical application of knowledge. You take your intellectual attainment seriously, and in your highest manifestation make use of it to better society around you. Determined and careful in your speech and communication with others, as well as with respect to your own mental activity, you have good concentration and attention to detail. You are also acutely aware of your surroundings, and can help keep others on track with the reality of what is going on. You benefit from lifting your vision to the higher issue and cultivating idealism.

Jupiter in Aquarius, in the Ninth House

Jupiter in the Ninth House (or sign) gives you an out-going and optimistic nature, very idealistic and high-minded. You are freedom loving, and enjoy travel and adventure. You possess an innate sense of spiritual possibility in ordinary life, and are especially fond of being in natural surroundings. You tend to seek opportunity through education and exploring new horizons, and are constantly expanding your repertoire of skills and knowledge. You are generally quite successful at what you do. You like to take chances, and do not care much about security or material rewards. Any work that motivates your ideals will capture your undivided attention, for as long as those ideals are motivated, and not longer. You are truly devoted to the principles of higher education, metaphysics and philosophy. Being so aware of the big picture may allow you to miss out on the details, and you benefit from grounding yourself from time to time in the practical considerations of your situation.

Jupiter in Aquarius (or the eleventh house) gives you a socially conscious and scientifically-minded personality. You are an individual who works well with groups, very high-minded with strong humanitarian ideals. You are inventive and original, and are able to motivate others by your example. You make a good diplomat or politician. You don't value security on a personal level, but focus your ideals on the betterment of society, with a value-system that is uniquely yours. You have firmly in mind your concept of the finest possibilities for the social matrix that surrounds you. You may be seen as a bit eccentric as you are someone who marches to the beat of your own drum. You are humane and just, and have very high principles, but you may envision possibilities too vast to be achieved, and benefit from cultivating a more practical approach in some circumstances.

Chiron in Taurus, in the Eleventh House

Chiron in the Eleventh House (or sign) represents issues with one's vital force to belong, to function as part of a group consciousness, and to integrate with the human family. With this placement, you may be vulnerable to losing your personal identity to a group cause or belief system. You are both attracted to membership in groups or social organizations and have somewhat painful realizations surrounding these types of activities. It may be that membership in a group or "in-crowd" was denied you in your youth. It may be that parental influences or the influence of a parental-like authority figure tended to force you in a particular direction that you had no real calling for, perhaps the common ideals of consensus reality, and you were left with the painful decision of which to abandon, your parental guidepost, or your own true self. In time you can come to yourself as you begin placing more importance on creating interpersonal friendships which are true to your actual ideals rather than the common ideals of the collective. It takes time to develop the understanding of who we really are at a deep level. It may be the only worthwhile undertaking. At any rate you are one who is particularly called to work out your own future, to become truly self-determined, independent of the strictures of society. It is possible that you are truly called to become an exemplar of a particular group ideal that is just breaking into the awareness of the world at large; your path may be to quite uniquely go where no (wo)man has gone before. This can be a lonely road, and you may find that it takes many trials and tribulations along the way before you begin to realize your true potential. It is not surprising that someone with such a mission in life might quail before the prospect, and there are undoubtedly great feelings of ambivalence you will have to deal with, especially in your early years, while you are still evolving. The gold at the end of this particular rainbow is worth the effort.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

Chiron in Taurus (or the Second House) represents issues with one's vital force to attain sustenance and possess resources. With this placement of Chiron you are challenged by physical resources, or perhaps spiritual resources, because the physical often reflects the spiritual. You may be one who has seen everything taken away at one time or another, or you may have risen above challenging circumstances materially to a better economic standard than your upbringing conditioned you to expect. Either way, you may demonstrate a painful attitude toward material well-being. Perhaps you have a fear of possessions dominating your life. Where others are able to count on their resources, either materially, or physically, or within their own psyche, and trust that they will have whatever it is that they need, you always find yourself suspicious that it will not last. Even if what you have is more than adequate by some standards, it seems somehow not enough to satisfy you. You may dream of giving everything up, and moving to the country. These feelings may also spill over into deep issues regarding your core values, that which defines you in terms of what you choose to support and give credence to in the world. You may feel at sea in this area, and not on stable ground, and perhaps be envious of other people who seem more sure of what they do and don't find attractive. These ambivalent feelings toward material possessions and your values may find their roots in experiences from early childhood, in which you were criticized or otherwise had painful experiences around what you wanted for yourself, independently from the expectations of your parents or other significant formative persons in your early life. Sometimes these issues are so painful that it is easier not to deal with them directly, and you may find that working with other people's material security becomes a focus of your professional life. In this way, you can work on your issues in safety, rather than confront potentially painful realizations buried in the depths of your psyche. But getting more in touch with these deep and partially repressed feelings is of ultimate importance for you, as your consciousness evolves. When you have confronted those parts of yourself that are painful and scary, and begun to integrate the feelings that you have buried away, you are more in charge of your own ship and the course you take through life, and are better able to help others with their issues as well.

N Node in Aquarius, in the Seventh House

Lunar North Node in the Seventh House (or sign). South Node in the first house or sign. This placement gives a personality with a focus on forming close partnership attachments. You may have difficulties in marriage and partnerships; but there are also great rewards to be gained in this area. This is ultimately a spiritual placement of the North Node. In the past, or in past lives, you have been concerned with yourself alone, but now you must make the transition to being mostly concerned with others. This concern for the other person does not come naturally to you, for it is easier to rely on yourself, as you have always done. Now, in this lifetime, though, you need to focus your energies outward. The welfare of the other person, your intimate partner or your partner in other types of relationship, is a necessary key to your own spiritual evolution. By fulfilling this mission of connection with others, you enrich your own experience, so that you come back to yourself more whole, more well rounded. Your lessons in this life revolve around this ideal of true giving of yourself to another.

Lunar North Node in Aquarius (or the eleventh house). South Node in the fifth house or sign. This placement gives an individual with a focus on friendships, group associations and social goals. Although creativity on a personal level comes easily to you, and working creatively by including other people is perhaps more difficult, it is this more difficult task that you are drawn to attempt in this lifetime. In the past, or in previous lifetimes, you were proud of your individuality and of your individual contribution. You may have had an ego attachment to the products of your personal energy, and were not very interested in promoting social values or a group ideal. Now you find yourself envisioning possibilities far larger than just for yourself and your immediate family, so that the betterment of all of society becomes your focus. How can you fit into society around you in a way that benefits both the collective and your own idealistic agenda, moving forward? As you develop along this evolutionary path you find that you are ever more future-oriented and socially responsible, for in this way you find your true fulfillment.

Other Aspects

Mercury in strong conjunction with Saturn
The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This conjunction gives a profound mentality, deepening and concentrating your mind and your powers of speech and communication. You are shrewd in business, and are adaptable to a variety of professions. Long hours of concentration could produce in you a brilliant scholar, or a star of the legal profession. You may seem to suffer from a variety of nervous disorders, but these could actually be the result of subconscious fears of inadequacy in mental pursuits. You may on the other hand over-compensate for this by making extraordinary efforts. You may also feel a sense of isolation and loneliness in your life. Your lesson is to learn faith and to cultivate a positive attitude toward your mental process, restructuring that process along more personal and less rigid lines.

Pluto in strong sextile with Midheaven
The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This combination gives a forceful personality with a focus on issues of authority, power and control. There may in fact be a compulsion for control manifesting in problems with interpersonal relations or in rebellious attitudes toward established authority, or perhaps in the charismatic personal magnetism of the natural leader. What is needed is a reevaluation and transformation of the urge for power and control, based on a deeper understanding of personal power and a more conscious and socially responsible use of it.

Mercury in inconjunct with Uranus
The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.

This aspect gives an individual who is restless and mentally acute, with an ability to quickly grasp new concepts. You like to explore new ways of thinking and being. Education is important to you. You are scientifically minded and futuristic in your outlook. You are interested in occult realms of thought, applying conscious mental processes to these areas. You have the ability to think freely, unhampered by conventional attitudes, but you can also appear opinionated, or display a "know-it-all" attitude. There can be problems in communicating with others. There is an unpredictable and erratic aspect to your thought process that makes it difficult for others to understand you. You may lack discipline and persistence in bringing your vision to practical realization, and benefit from attaining better control of your mental process.

Mars in trine with Pluto
The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect gives a personality with a tremendous drive for power and transformation of self. You are strong-willed almost to the point of ruthlessness, and you have enormous energy and endurance at your disposal. You may appear timid or unsure of yourself, since the power urge is commonly repressed, but then there is the potential for sudden bursts of anger due to the repressed emotion finally exploding to the surface. You may also have feelings of insecurity that are compensated for by being overly forceful, acting compulsively or even becoming obsessive about achieving your will. In a more positive manifestation, you can exhibit a dedication to higher ideals and a willingness to be a channel for healing yourself and society. The challenge is movement away from feelings of insecurity and resulting separateness and loneliness, toward a better acceptance of other's needs and opinions in order to generate wholeness, forgiveness towards self and others, and a new and better sense of self-worth.

Mars in sextile with Midheaven
The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

You are likely to have an excellent ability to get things done, and also great drive to succeed at what you do. This aspect gives an assertive personality who desires success in public life. Career issues are very important for you, and you take pride in your many accomplishments. You are active in the pursuit of your goals with tremendous energy that needs that outlet.

Jupiter in opposition with Uranus
The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

This combination gives a socially conscious, optimistic and intuitive individual who works well with groups. You have a strong sense of optimism and possess high ideals. You are inventive and original, and are able to motivate others by your example. You like to explore new horizons, either real or imagined, and do not value security on a personal level. You can be rebellious, even restless and excitable, because you have the capacity to visualize new possibilities rather than accept an outmoded status quo. You may have sudden and surprising opportunities in your life, and you will usually act to take advantage of these, which may involve travel to distant places. You should beware of your capacity to envision possibilities too vast to achieve. You can benefit from cultivating a more practical approach.

Jupiter in square with Pluto
The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This combination gives a positive and determined personality, with an ability to develop your powers to the fullest. You are inclined to transform yourself in the course of a lifetime. You have good judgment, and a constant sense of what is important to you. Your focus is excellent, and you make a good leader so that you may be tempted to take advantage of this in an attempt to control other people, or to convince them of your point of view. You do work well in the area of interpersonal relationships, although you should beware of this tendency to dominate others. You may be interested in the occult, or even possess the powers of a healer or mystic. Your best use of your powers of focus and self-transformation are in the area of working with other people, for you have much to share with your fellow man.

Saturn in inconjunct with Uranus
The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.

This aspect gives an impractical, eccentric and future-oriented personality. You are definitely not a conformer. You have a strong imagination and good conceptual level. When you function at your best you have the capability to bring a concrete and real-world practicality to the intangible and visionary Uranian energy. You also may alternate between too great an attachment to social approval and authority and too violent a rebellion against it, or refuse to be argued out of your opinion, which can be unique unto yourself. You may have a strong desire to move on to new ideas, yet refuse to let go of conventional attitudes that stand in the way. Your challenge is to move from a knee-jerk reaction against established authority or in favor of it, toward establishing your own personal authority, in your own way, and to help make your brilliant visionary impulses available to society at large.

Neptune in conjunction with Chiron
The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

With this combination of planetary energies in your chart, you have probably gone to the depths and back again in your life. You have a particularly strong access to the world of dreams and inner fantasy, which may serve as an escape valve for you. You may also be extremely sensitive to the psyches of others, may vicariously experience their pain. Something keeps you out of touch with consensus reality, but you also are not comfortable with this role. It is as if you stand on the other side of a glass door from the rest of society, through which you alternately gaze longingly and then lose interest and wander away into your own fantasy. You are capable of tremendous spiritual powers once you have begun to work through these difficulties and establish a better sense of where you stand vis a vis the remainder of society. You may exhibit great poetic or musical talent or the empathy of a born healer. Having come through a painful examination of your own psyche you are able to see more clearly and compassionately into the minds of others also.

Sun in weak square with Moon
The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect gives a willful and strong-minded individual. There may be two sides to your approach to life, which do not always blend harmoniously: your will and your instinctual self. There is an emotional side to your nature that does not easily integrate with your sense of purpose or will power. You have a high energy level and good intelligence, and are very aware and alert, but you may feel a conflict between your public and private lives or the work you set out to accomplish versus more personal goals. You may have experienced your parents as inharmoniously related to each other and therefore may have a tendency toward argument and conflict in your own interpersonal relationships. There is a creative tension in your relationships, and also internally within your own personality, that may lead you to accomplish much in life, through the path of struggle rather than the path of ease and comfort.

Sun in weak conjunction with Mercury
The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This conjunction gives a person who values mental pursuits highly. Your logical and communicative abilities are excellent. You are quick-witted and glib, and can also be nervous and high-strung, or perhaps stubborn and difficult to shake from your opinions. You are an independent thinker with your own way of looking at things, and may be inspired and even visionary in your outlook. Although you value your mind, when the Sun and Mercury are quite close to each other, within a degree or so, you may be more inclined to take a broad view of life's activities and not consider things from a strictly mental orientation.

Sun in weak conjunction with Saturn
The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This conjunction gives a deepening and concentration, or a blocking of your self-expression. You are ambitious and may make your mark in the world. There may also be a barrier between you and your self-realization, so that your true feelings are denied outlet. You may be strong-willed, or even autocratic, and can appear selfish, or cautious and reserved. There is likely to be a sense of rejection or coldness in relationship to your father, or perhaps a lack of love in your life, generally, leading to a subconscious desire for recognition. There may be feelings of hostility or physical ailment that prevents your total participation in life activities. Your heart-center may need developing. The lesson for you is to deepen and broaden the knowledge of who you really are at the level of your innermost soul, and to really learn to love the person that you find in this process.

Moon in weak trine with Mercury
The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect gives a kindly, sound and logical mentality. You are a good communicator, and are able to express your emotions easily. You are an inquisitive student of life, and are also excellent at working with the public. You usually prefer plain and direct speech, and you are judicious and honest in your approach to life.

Moon in weak trine with Saturn
The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

There is likely to be caution and reserve in your make-up, along with a good sense of the practicalities of life. This aspect gives a deepening and concentrating in the expression of your feelings. You may be extremely sensitive. You may have had a strict upbringing. The parental figures, in your life, especially your mother, may have been experienced as rejecting or uncaring. You may experience some difficulties in your relationship to the feminine. You may also benefit from relationships with powerful feminine figures, symbolic of the powerful feelings that need fuller expression in your own nature. The lesson for you here is to understand and value the true roots of your being more fully and deeply, leading to a better sense of security and greater self-acceptance.

Moon in weak square with Midheaven
The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect gives an emotionally sensitive personality who is nurturing and caring. You may be over-dependent on others for your own feelings of self-worth, so that it is important to you that others look up to you. You do well in a business setting, having a dramatic presence that gives you natural abilities to influence others, and an attitude of caring that makes you easy to get along with, but you may have difficulties due to being changeable or engaging in political game-playing. You set priorities based on people rather than strictly on profits.

Uranus in weak trine with Neptune
The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect gives a future oriented and idealistic individual, very aware of collective energies. This is a generational aspect, which many of your contemporaries will share with you. You may feel a pull to the service of humanity at large. You are likely to be interested in mysticism and the occult. You may also be inclined to nervousness (especially if Uranus makes close aspects to the 'personal' planets in your chart). You may feel some sense of confinement or restriction in the freedom to be who you want to be. Social ideals will strongly affect the expression of your individuality.

Uranus in weak square with Pluto
The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This combination gives an individual who is willful and possesses great depth of passion. This is a generational aspect, which many of your contemporaries will share with you. You are to an unusual degree tuned in to the energy of the collective, especially with regard to the ultimate transformation of society. You have a keen intuition and great power to transform yourself and your personal relationships as you evolve. You may have an unconventional approach where sexual matters are concerned, or with interpersonal relationships (especially when this conjunction makes aspects to 'personal' planets in your chart). At your best, you are compassionate toward your fellow man, and you are inclined to be a helper in the creation of a new world, based on humanitarian ideals of universal brotherhood.

Uranus in weak trine with Chiron
The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

With this aspect, you are prone to sudden insights and departures. You have a unusual combination of personality traits in which you are both very unconventional yet also somewhat unsure of yourself in your very departure from the rest of society, so that you may surprisingly show flashes of a conservative side. You have a brilliant mind, and are undoubtedly a witty conversationalist, although with a slightly erratic tendency to switch topics arbitrarily. This aspect is the hallmark of an inventor or other type of creative thinker, perhaps in the health fields or the helping professions. You are likely to have great difficulties with walking the straight and narrow but something seems to be forcing you to. Or it is a compulsion based on your own painful experiences with authority. It is important to become more conscious of your hidden motivations and patterns, so as not to be ruled by them from below, as it were.



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The point in the sky of the Eastern horizon. In the chart, the Ascendant is represented by the horizontal line at the left hand side of the chart which crosses between the Twelfth and First Houses. The sign on the Ascendant is also referred to as the Rising Sign.
When the relative positions of two planets in the horoscope form a significant angle with each other, they are said to be in aspect with one another. The type and quality of the aspect is determined by the number of degrees between the two planets and is only considered significant if it is within a narrow range of degrees, or orb. A list of the aspects used in this report is given below.
  • Conjunction — 0° ± 8 degrees
  • Opposition — 180° ± 8 degrees
  • Trine — 120° ± 8 degrees
  • Square — 90° ± 8 degrees
  • Sextile — 60° ± 6 degrees
  • Inconjunct — 150° ± 4 degrees
Chart Comparison
An astrological technique in which the planets of two individuals are shown in a bi-wheel chart, one within the other. This allows the inter-aspects between the two charts to be examined.
Composite Chart
An astrological technique in which the midpoints of two individuals' planetary positions are used to create a third chart, the composite chart, which is then interpreted as the chart of the relationship itself as an independent entity.
Originally horoscope referred to the astrological chart itself, but is now popularly used to refer to the description of how current planetary positions are affecting you personally, as in "your monthly horoscope."
The point in the sky directly overhead relative to the position on Earth. In the chart, the Midheaven is represented by the vertical line at the top of the chart between the Ninth and Tenth Houses.
From Latin, meaning of or pertaining to birth; therefore your birth chart, or planetary positions at birth.
The Lunar Nodes are the two points where the Moon's orbital path crosses the plane of the ecliptic (the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun). Symbolically they represent talents and life path, or destiny.
In astrology, the word planets is used to describe astrologically significant points in the sky which includes the Sun and Moon, as well as many objects that are not currently astronomically defined as planets such as Chiron and Pluto.
Aspects formed between the current positions of the planets and the positions of your natal planets at the time and place you were born.